Approving Journals

Purpose:   Use this document as a reference for 'approving', 'denying', 'holding', or 'sending back' journals via the fluid Approvals Tile in ctcLink, which also 'marks' the journal for posting upon approval.

Audience: Financial Staff/Supervisors who have approval permissions.

You must have at least one of these local college managed security roles:

  • ZZ GL Journal Approval

If you need assistance with the above security roles, please contact your local college supervisor or IT Admin to request role access.

Security:  The role required to allow a user to approval a journal is ZZ GL Journal Approval. Assignment of this role also requires that the Business Unit be defined on the Route Control Profile of user's security on the Distributed User Profile page.

A user may not approve journal they themselves have created, therefore each institution needs a minimum of two users with the security role shown above.

Journal Approval Actions

Navigation: Finance & Accounting Homepage > Approvals Tile

select Approvals tile

OR Navigation: Finance & Accounting Homepage > GL WorkCenter Tile > My Approvals Group > GL Journal Approval Process

GL WorkCenter fluid tile

There are four Approval Actions available:

  • Approve - Positive action: approving/reviewing a journal document will move it forward in the approval queue.
  • Deny - Negative action: denying a Journal document permanently terminates it. It can not be resubmitted. Approver must include a comment.
  • More > Pushback - Neutral action: selecting the 'More' option then Pushback provides the Approver an opportunity to send back the journal for edits.
  • More > Hold - Neutral action: selecting the 'More' option then Hold prevents the journal from being processed any further through approvals until the Approver releases it by taking a different approval action (e.g. Approve, Deny, Pushback).
Approve Journals

When you Approve journal(s) it is a positive action which moves the journal(s) forward in the approval queue. The Journal is 'Posted' when the Approver approves it.

  1. From the Finance & Accounting Homepage, select the Approvals tile. The Pending Approvals page will display.
  2. On the Pending Approvals page, select Journal Entry in the Task (left) area. The number of Journal Entries that are pending approval will display.
  3. To review a journal prior approval action, select the desired Journal Entry to review the line details.
Review a journal entry prior approval
  1. The Journal Entry Lines page displays. Select the Approve button or select the Pending Approvals back arrow to return to Pending Approvals page.
  2. The Approve action window displays. Enter a relevant Comment. Select the Submit button.
Approve and submit

Mass Approval Action Functionality: To approve (or deny) multiple Journal Entries from the Pending Approvals page, mark all check box(es) of the Journal Entries for approval action. Select the Approval Action button. The Mass Approval Action window displays. Enter Approver Comments and select the Submit button.

Mass approve
  1. Section complete.
Deny Journals

Deny - Negative action: denying a Journal document permanently terminates it and it can not be resubmitted. Approver must include a comment.

  1. From the Pending Approvals page select the desired Journal Entry.
  2. The Journal Entry Lines detail page displays. Select the Deny button.
  3. Enter a relevant Comment and select the Submit button.
Deny request
  1. Section complete.
Pushback Journals

More > Pushback - Neutral action: selecting the 'More' option then Pushback provides the Approver an opportunity to send back the journal for edits.

  1. From the Pending Approvals page select the desired Journal Entry.
  2. Select the More button then select the Pushback button.
Select More then pushback buttons
  1. The Mass Pushback window displays. Enter a relevant Comment and select the Submit button.
Enter comment and select Submit
  1. Section complete.
Hold Journals

More > Hold - Neutral action: selecting the 'More' option then Hold prevents the journal from being processed any further through approvals until the Approver releases it by taking a different approval action (e.g. Approve, Deny, Pushback).

  1. From the Pending Approvals page select the desired Journal Entry.
  2. Select the More button then select the Hold button.
Select More then hold
  1. The Mass Hold window displays. Enter a relevant Comment and select the Submit button.
Enter comment and select submit
  1. Section complete.

Video Tutorial

The video below demonstrates the process actions described in the steps listed above. There is no audio included with this video. Select the play button to start the video.

View Tutorial via Panopto

View the external link to Approving Journals. This link will open in a new tab/window.


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