9.2 Process to Manually Resolve a Federal Overpayment
Purpose: Use this document to review steps to take to resolve a student's federal overpayment status in ctcLink.
Audience: Financial Aid Staff.
When an ISIR comment code indicates a student is in Federal Overpayment, a Checklist will be initiated. If the student submits documentation that the Federal Overpayment has been satisfied with the Department of Ed (before the CPS Post-Screening ISIR clearing the overpayment) is loaded, you can take steps in ctcLink to resolve the status so that you can proceed to package federal aid.
Step 1) Complete Overpayment Checklist
Step 2) Update View Packaging Status Summary Database Matches page
Step 3) Override Update Incoming Aggregates page
You must have at least one of these local college managed security roles:
- ZD FA Director
- ZD FA Student Aid Info
- ZZ FA Student Aid Info
If you need assistance with the above security roles, please contact your local college supervisor or IT Admin to request role access.
Process to Manually Resolve a Federal Overpayment
Navigation: NavBar > Navigator > Financial Aid > View Financial Aid Status
- The Financial Aid Status page displays.
- Select the In Repayment Status checklist.
- The Checklist Management page displays.
- Select the Checklist Management 2 tab.
- The Checklist Management 2 tab displays.
- Set the Checklist Status from "Initiated" to "Completed".
- Select the Save button.

Both the In Repayment Status Checklist and the Pell Overpayment Checklist will need to changed from "Initiated" to "Completed".
You must have at least one of these local college managed security roles:
- ZD FA Director
- ZD FA Student Aid Info
- ZZ FA Student Aid Info
If you need assistance with the above security roles, please contact your local college supervisor or IT Admin to request role access.
Navigation: NavBar > Navigator > Financial Aid > View Packaging Status Summary
- The Packaging Status Summary page displays.
- Select the Database Matches link.
- The Database Matches page displays.
- Select the NSLDS Match override checkbox.
- Select the OK button.

- The Packaging Status Summary page displays.
- Select Save.
You must have at least one of these local college managed security roles:
- ZD FA Award Aggregates
- ZD FA Director
- ZZ FA Award Aggregates
If you need assistance with the above security roles, please contact your local college supervisor or IT Admin to request role access.
Navigation: NavBar > Navigator > Awards > Aggregates > Update Incoming Aggregates
- The Incoming Aggregates search page displays.
- Enter the ID.
- Select the Search button.
- Search Results display.
- Select the appropriate Aggregate Area, i.e., Pellxxx (where xxx = Academic Institution).

In the NSLDS Total and the Percent Scheduled Used field, note the 999,999,999.00 and the 999.999 values. When a student is in overpayment, these values indicate the student is in Federal Overpayment.
The Update Incoming Aggregates page is updated when a new ISIR is loaded. When CPS sends a Post-Screening ISIR to your institution, this page will automatically update the page and clear out the 999,999,999.00 and 999.999 values.
However, if the student has submitted documentation to your financial aid office indicating overpayment is cleared with Dept. of ED, well before CPS sends the Post-Screening ISIR, you can override the 999,999,999.00 and 999.999 values on this page, which will then allow you to package aid.
- The Aggregate Aid Data page displays.
- Select the NSLDS Total and the Percent Scheduled Used override check boxes.
- Enter 0.00 into the NSLDS Total field.
- Enter 0 in the Percent Scheduled Used field.
- Select Save.
- Proceed to the Assign Awards to a Student page to award aid.
- Process complete.
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