Overview of Student Financials Parallel (Project Archive)
Student Financials Parallel testing is an essential part of verifying that the tuition calculation logic in the new system, ctcLink, calculates tuition with the same dollar value as legacy to ensure that upon conversion of the Go Live term, the enrollments that will drive the population of open charges in Student Financials will mirror the open charges that existed in legacy. Consistent tuition calculation is necessary to ensure that both the charges and their corresponding payments will match in PeopleSoft at Go Live.
This will be accomplished by comparing the same student enrollment activities in the legacy system to the enrollment processed in ctcLink to ensure that it triggers the appropriate tuition/fee charge in Student Financials.
This guide is intended to provide context and steps for executing the Student Financials Parallel test activities in the Parallel Test environment set:
- HPUX Environment on DEVX2 under the Fnnn Account Series from a legacy system backup taken on July 20, 2021.
- ctcLink Environment on PLB using cycle #3 converted data from a data snapshot taken on July 20, 2021.
Overview of Student Financials Tuition Calculation Parallel Testing Expectations
The ctcLink SF Project Team will be responsible for:
- Perform an initial run of a Mass Tuition Calculation for Fall Term for converted enrollments in an alternate test environment (SIT).
- Review of the outcomes of the calculations to highlight any areas of concern for Term Fees that colleges can focus on during the Tuition Calculation activity.
Provide college SMEs guidance on:
- Staging enrollments (add/drops)
- Calculating tuition in PeopleSoft
- Applying waivers
- Running queries to pull relevant data from the ctcLink system
College SMEs should expect to:
- Participate in a Tuition Calculation Parallel Kick-Off Workshop Session.
- Develop a plan for the various tuition calculation scenarios that exist in legacy to ensure they have tested a viable and diverse sample set in PeopleSoft.
- Enroll students in Winter Term in legacy and PeopleSoft (ctcLink) to compare the calculation of tuition in both environments for each scenario. (due to age of snapshot you may need to enroll in earlier term in Legacy, but outcome should be the same)
- Review the SF Project Team issue highlights for focused testing on tuition calculation logic that triggered concern in the Fall Term review and as needed test those areas of concern in Winter Term in both environments as a parallel activity to confirm whether changes are needed.
- Apply waivers, driven by Student Groups, Equation Variables and manually applied.
- Perform enrollment Adds and Drops in converted Fall Term to generate transactions and see how the Conversion Go Live Adjustment items behaves in adds/drops.
- Participate in Group General Guidance Sessions to receive direction on to begin the activities.
- Work independently in the parallel test environments to complete test scenarios.
- Participate in College Specific Follow-Up Sessions to report testing status/issues and resolve findings in ctcLink.
Scope of Testing Activity
In Scope for Testing:
- Calculating tuition and fees for Undergraduate students (pursuing an AA)
- Calculating tuition and fees for International Students
- Calculating tuition and fees for Running Start Students
- Test Waiver application
- Testing Transactions for Fall Term Add/Drops
Out of Scope for Parallel Testing:
- Course & Class Fees (performed in UAT)
- Processing a 2nd Journal Set for Financial Aid transactions (performed in UAT)
- Posting of SF Accounting Line transactions to the GL (performed in UAT)
Timeline for Parallel Activities
- 10/20/2021 - SF Tuition Calculation Parallel Testing Kick-Off originally was 10/13/21
- 10/28/2021 - SF Group Guidance Session
- 11/1/2021 through 12/10/2021 - SF Tuition Calculation Parallel Test Environment Open Access Period
- 11/15 11/16/2021 - Paired College Follow-Up Sessions (specific dates/times coordinated with each college)
- 12/7-12/10/2021 - Final College Follow-Up Sessions (if needed, specific dates/times coordinated with each college)
- 12/10/2021 - Completion of SF Tuition Calculation Parallel Testing Activities (OTM Closure)
Executing Processes in PeopleSoft
The following Quick Reference Guides (QRGs) will help testers perform the relevant business function in PeopleSoft for staging data and calculating tuition in Student Financials:
Calculate and View Tuition for an Individual Student
Assigning a Waiver for an Individual Student
Standard User Profiles will be established for Student Financial Parallel Tester access that will include the following roles to perform the necessary activities. Five (5) unique User Profiles will be created per college to ensure that SF Parallel Testers do not encounter collisions when attempting to enter and process data in the system.
The Username format follows a standard of: SF_TCP_nnn_# (where nnn = College Code and # is the number associated with this unique profile (1,2,3,4 or 5)
ZC SF Tuition and Fees
- Provides access to manage Tuition and Fees in ctcLink.
ZC CS Student Groups
- Provides access to maintain Student Groups. Requires additional SACR Security to control which Student Groups a user can access/update.
ZC SF Running Start
- Provides access to the Running Start custom page to modify Billing Units.
ZC SR Student Program
- Provides access to modify a student's Program/Plan Stack in ctcLink.
ZZ SR Term Activation
- Provides access to Term Activate a student in ctcLink.
ZZ SR Enroll Students
- Provides access to enroll, add or drop a student in ctcLink.
ZZ SF Payment Reversals
- Provides access to reverse payments in Student Financials.
ZZ SF Charge Reversals
- Provides access to reverse charges in Student Financials.
ZZ SF Charges and Payments
- Provides access to apply charges and payments in Student Financials.
- Provides access to the Query Viewer tool and the relevant modules to run queries related to performing the duties in SF Tuition Calculation Parallel testing.
ZZ Navigation Bar Access
- Provides access to the NavBar icon so testers can access pages only available through navigating in the menu.
- Provides access to CS Staff Homepage, where all non-students attempting to access the CS Pillar will land when clicking the CS link on the Gateway (Portal) page. Access to tiles on the CS Staff Homepage are activated based on the role granted the user.
ZZ Financial Aid Management
- Student Financials staff who are responsible for posting disbursements to student’s account to complete the Disbursement process.
How to Get Help
Project Functional Team contacts for Student Financial Tuition Calculation Parallel Activities are as follows:
- SF Functional Analyst - Spencer Egbert - [email protected]
- SF Functional Analyst -Charles Sapien - [email protected]
- SF Functional Team Lead - Charles Velasquez - [email protected]
- CS Test Coordinator - Amy MacNeill - [email protected]
Environment Links
PLB Environment: https://pt-plb.peoplesoft-nonprod-aws.ctclink.sbctc.edu/ptplb/signon.html
HPUX Access Information
Colleges will access the legacy snapshot environment by clicking the desktop icon for Minisoft that was established with the assistance of the college help desk. To ensure you have an HPUX account established in the F070, F160, F190, F200, F240, F260, F270, F280, F290 legacy accounts, make sure your college has provided you name on the worksheet to established your legacy account access.
Instructions for this process can be found here: Requesting Access to the Parallel Test Environment for DG6 (Legacy & PS)
Note: Colleges that have submitted their security access workbooks for Parallel Testing will have access established for their reported testers in place before the start of college SME SF activities.
Workshop Presentation and Recording
SF Parallel Testing Workshop DG6.pptx (uploaded after 10/28 presentation)
Session Recordings will be placed here
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