How to Set-up Blackouts for Your Locations
Purpose: Blackouts can be used to take locations offline for a period of time
Audience: 25Live Functional Administrators
- Using blackouts is one of several tools that can used to take location off-line so they they cannot be scheduled.
WARNING: Blackouts can be a short term options to block room from being requested. If the room is going off-line for a lengthy period, it is better to use Objective Level Security (OLS) to hide the location or Assignments Policy (AP) to make the location non-requestable. There is some risk with using blackouts because there is a functional setting where users can override blackouts. Pay attention to the LYNX user because that user is typically in an admin group and will be able override blackouts.
- Locate the room(s) you want to blackout. In this example, let's say the Automotive building is being renovated and will be off-line for the upcoming quarter. Therefore, the user can run a Category or Building search for the Automotive Building and save a search that contains all the Automotive building locations.
- Go to the More menu > System Settings > Blackout Management > Add Blackout
- Add the name of your Blackout. Select the start and end times.
- Select the meeting pattern, any notes that you want added and the locations. Remember to Save your blackout.
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