How to Set-up Blackouts for Your Locations

Purpose:  Blackouts can be used to take locations offline for a period of time

Audience: 25Live Functional Administrators

  1. Using blackouts is one of several tools that can used to take location off-line so they they cannot be scheduled.

WARNING: Blackouts can be a short term options to block room from being requested.  If the room is going off-line for a lengthy period, it is better to use Objective Level Security (OLS) to hide the location or Assignments Policy (AP) to make the location non-requestable. There is some risk with using blackouts because there is a functional setting where users can override blackouts.  Pay attention to the LYNX user because that user is typically in an admin group and will be able override blackouts.  

  1. Locate the room(s) you want to blackout. In this example, let's say the Automotive building is being renovated and will be off-line for the upcoming quarter. Therefore, the user can run a Category or Building search for the Automotive Building and save a search that contains all the Automotive building locations.
  1. Go to the More menu > System Settings > Blackout Management > Add Blackout
Navigating to Blackout section
  1. Add the name of your Blackout.  Select the start and end times
Adding Blackout Name and Time
  1. Select the meeting pattern, any notes that you want added and the locations.  Remember to Save your blackout.


Adding Blackout Meeting pattern and locations


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