ctcLink Reference CenterResources25Live (Software)25Live Pro (Admin Functionality)How to build Event Form Rules to automatically add Resources to certain Locations.

How to build Event Form Rules to automatically add Resources to certain Locations.

Purpose: Learn how to leverage event form rules to automate the addition of support services to certain locations.

Audience: 25Live Functional Administrators

  1. If you have locations that need a certain level of support such as moving partitions, furniture moved, technical support or even hardware such as a portable AV cart or microphones as examples, then you can build event form rules that automatically adds resources to your location so you are not having to rely on the requestor to make these decisions nor have to go back to add at a later time.
  1. This QRG assumes you have your locations and resources added to your 25Live database.
  1. Go to your Event Form Rules section within the System Settings.

More Menu > System Settings > Event Form Settings > Rule Settings > Add New Root Rule

  1. When creating a new rule you want to name it and make sure it's active.  It will be active by default so you need to select "no" if you are not quite ready to use it. 

    The source will be the location you are using to build the rule.  If it's multiple locations you can select them individually or select a search that contains the locations you want the rule to apply.

    The targets in this example will the resources.  Which resources do you want added to the reservation that will support the services needed for the location.  This could be services or items brought in to support the location.  

    Make sure to Save your rule.

Event Form Rule for Locations
Event Form Rules for Locations 2
  1. When this rule is built, the resource(s) (targets) will automatically be requested to the event when the location (target) is requested. Both the location(s) and resource(s) will still need to be approved if they are requestable items.  


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