ctcLink Reference CenterResources25Live (Software)25Live Pro (Admin Functionality)How to make Bulk Edits to Location Capacity and Layouts in 25Live Pro

How to make Bulk Edits to Location Capacity and Layouts in 25Live Pro

This QRG is going to show you how to bulk edits to your location data by adding/editing layouts and capacity in 25Live Pro.


1.  First off it make sure you are logging in as a System Administrator.  You may have credentials to access the admin tool or may have to move yourself to the system admin (-1) security group to access the system setting in 25Live Pro.

Once logged into 25Live Pro, go to search navigation or open up your search window.  

Choose an exciting location search or create one to make the bulk edits.  Once the Search is created (in this instance the "All SF Rooms") then select the Search Actions drop down and select Bulk Edit.

Once on the Bulk Screen, you can select which location you want to edit individual from the search you are using or all the locations within the search,  Then select "Go to Actions."

Select your action.  In this example, I'm adding a new layout from this screen to deal with social distancing so the new layout is going to be a new "default layout" that will be 50% of the existing default layout.  

To confirm the edit is complete, you can log into the Admin tool and review the details of a location by opening a location that was in the search you were using to make the bulk edit and open the Layout section and see if the new layout was created and it if was not set as the "default" layout for the location.


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