How to Delete a Term of Academic Data
Purpose: If you needed to delete a term of academic data before importing a new batch from Campus Solutions.
Audience: Academic Schedulers and Functional Administrators
- The first step in deleting a term is creating a term search. The typical term search data will include your term code using the "Keyword" search criteria, but you can also include your academic "Event Types" to insure you are just querying your academic term data.
- Once you confirm your search results, save your search using a term identifier such as the term code and perhaps add the word "delete" so this search will be easily identifiable when locating it.
3. Once your search is saved, you should see a "Search Actions" drop down menu that will display a Bulk Edit option. Select the Bulk Edit option and which will display the list of events from the saved search. You can select all the events or just certain events you want to delete. Once you choose which events to delete, choose "Go to Actions" and then select Delete Events. This will delete the selected events from the saved search.
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