Managing Locations and Resources
Purpose: Managing Locations and Resources will be a critical part to the data maintenance of 25Live whether it's adding or removing rooms because of new construction or updating room data such as features, categories, etc.. In addition, making sure this data is consistent and updated between the other enterprise applications is also a key component in the data validation and business process and each school.
Audience: 25Live Functional Administrators
1. Log into your 25Live Pro Tool and search for Locations by using the Quick Search or the Go to Search page. When you are on Search page, you can search for existing locations to edit by using a keyword in the search text box or use some of the filter criteria like categories or capacity. You can also create new locations by selecting "Create New Location."
2. When creating a location in an existing building, the easiest pathway is to COPY an existing location. Copying existing data elements is your friend. The advantage of copying is that you also copy the security settings. To copy an existing location, you can open a similar location (ideally one that is in the same building and similar type) and then go to "More Actions" and then select the "Copy Location" tab.
3. When adding a new location in a new building, you first want to visit your System Settings > Master Definitions to make sure your Location Categories and Location Features are added for your new locations. Each location should have at least three Categories: Campus, Building and Type. There may be some locations with multiple types. For example, a classroom may be referred to as a lecture space, seminar, or workshop or all three. The "Create New Location" is a quick add to get started with adding a new location. When doing this, you will still need to edit the quick add version to add the categories, features, custom attributes and to edit security. Once your new location is added, it can serve as a template to COPY for the other new locations being added.
4. Fill out the required and optional fields. The two required fields are Location Name and Max Capacity.
- Remember that Location Name uses the CTC naming convention which is the concatenation of the new two-digit college code, three-character building identifier and four-character room identifier. The Location Name in 25Live has to perfectly match the Facility ID used in Campus Solutions.
- The Location Formal Name is a very important field because it’s the name pushed out to your published web calendars within 25Live. Moreover, it’s also wise to match Location Formal Name with the Description field in the Campus Solutions Facility Table since both of these names will be public and viewed by students and staff. Having significant differences between these two names may cause some confusion on your campus.

5. Layouts, Features, Categories, Attributes, Hours of Availability, and Security Settings should also be populated. Most of this data will be important for your reports so don’t discount spending additional time making sure all these space details are included.
- The Features interact with the “Room Characteristics” table in CS.
- The Categories are critical for building your searches.
- The Capacity is a required field and crucial to make sure your utilization data is accurate.
- The Longitude and Latitude Custom Attributes generate the Google Map functionality and the Room Use Code will be used for your utilization room searches.
6. It's important to make sure facility data between the enterprise systems is consistent. Here are links to updating facility data in Campus Solutions There is only one "required" field that needs to match. That is the Facility_ID in Campus Solutions and the Location_Name in 25Live (see #4).
9.2 Adding Buildings (
9.2 Adding Facility IDs (
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