How to Manage Bindings in LYNX

Purpose: Use this document as a reference for managing bindings (bound groups) in LYNX

Audience: Campus Solutions Academic Schedulers and Functional Administrators

  1. The binding of classes or sections in LYNX is typically done for bound groups that are NOT built in Campus Solutions as Combined Sections.  If you bind classes/section using the the Combined Section table in Campus Solutions, then you do not need to build these out in LYNX.  However, if you have courses that you want to bind AND are not being built as Combined Sections, then this is the best method.


  2.  Open your LYNX instance and go to the More Hamburger Menu > Configuration > Date Binding.                                
LYNX Binding Navigation Image
  1. You will have options for the Type of bound groups such as binding sections with overlapping times but first start with "Bound Group - Sections" which will be binding sections that share the same meeting pattern and location. There is also an option to also bound groups with "overlapping times." Select the Term Code. Then Search which will look at all your sections for the term code identified. The next step is Add New Groups. This is where you would build your bound groups.  This function is very similar to building combined section tables in Campus Solutions. 
Searching for Bound Groups
  1. The next step is to build your grouping.  Add a Name of the combined group that will help you identify it from the other combined groups you are creating. You can start by adding the course reference number (Class Number) in the search field and the matching courses will start appearing and then you select the ones you want to group. You are not manually adding any information which eliminates the risk of typing in the incorrect information.  You can also search by subject code or meeting times but I believe searching by Class Number is the quickest way.  When you have all the sections added you want to bind, then Submit.  You will be able to edit this grouping anytime.
Search and Sections to Bound Groups
  1. Once the grouping is built you can import that particular section or import any of the individual sections or you can build them all out and then re-import the term extract which will then push all the section updates into 25Live. You will also see where you can edit the group or even delete the grouping if you desire.
Importing the Individual Group
  1. So what happens in 25Live?  The sections will be related in 25Live.  If one of the sections has a location assigned, then it will push the location assignment to the other related sections in the group.  If none of the sections have a location, then you will need to edit one of them in 25Live and assign the location which will then also assign the location to all the sections in the group.  Like a group that is combined in Campus Solutions, you will see the related details of the group when you open one of the course/sections of the grouping and go the Details tab and view the relationship at the bottom of the details screen.
Event Relationship Screen Shot
  1. Once the location is assigned in 25Live, then if you are a school that prefers to send location assignments back to Campus Solutions and have created an Export extract set, then those updates will automatically get imported back to Campus Solutions.  If you have not done that, then you will need to create an Export extract set.  Please see the QRG to learn how to do this. 


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