25Live Task List
Purpose: Use this document as a reference to understand your task list in 25Live.
Audience: 25Live Staff
- Log into your 25Live environment. Navigate to your Tasks List.
- What are Tasks? Tasks will be predominantly approvals to use locations and resources. These tasks are based on Assignment Policy which are your security settings to determine which security groups approve a space or personnel or items reserved to support your event. Tasks can also be "notifications" set-up using event requirements. These can be set-up using event form rules to notify users on questions you have built on your event request form. You can also generate tasks based on Notification Policy which are "courtesy" notifications when a specific location or resource are requested. NOTE: If users are receiving notifications as an approvers and are also set-up to receive a "courtesy" notification based on the Notification Policy of specific locations or resources, then they will receive two very similar tasks. I recommend if a user is in a approval group to NOT add them to the Notification Policy of the location/resource to avoid creating two duplicate tasks.
When you access your Task list, you will default to your Outstanding tasks but you can also navigate to tasks that are overdue, completed or flagged.
The status of Outstanding and Overdue is based on your search settings. If your tasks are 30 days in the past from when the event was submitted then they are "Overdue." If the tasks are within 30 days from when the event was submitted and 30 days in the future (60 day window) then the tasks are "Outstanding." For the first 30 day window from when the event was submitted the same tasks will fit within both the "Overdue" and "Outstanding" criteria.
- If you want to edit these Task status settings, you can navigate to More > System Settings > Search Settings > Tasks.
You can also view Completed tasks, tasks assigned to other users by you, and Flagged tasks. By default all tasks are "Flagged" but you can unflag them if they are low priority. To remove a flag from a task, you need to open the event (1) and view the task list on the event as opposed to viewing "All Tasks" from dashboard.
When you view the tasks specific to the event (2), you can flag or unflag the event (3) and you can also see which users received the task (4).
- Tasks are a critical part of your 25Live business process. Users that may not be logging into 25live every day can be set-up to receive an email if they received a task. Ideally each school should have a gatekeeper that monitors tasks to make sure someone is responding to them and keeping the process moving. Otherwise tasks can fall into a black hole and requesters will be left not knowing what happened to their event.
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