Using event form rules to set-up Notifications while using Custom Attributes

Purpose: Instructions for adding Custom Attributes and Requirements and while building rules that link them together so a task and notifcatios aer created. support functions and providing notifications. 

Audience: All 25live Users

1. In the past when you wanted to ask questions on the event form you could use custom attributes which allowed for more flexibility in the configuration of the question such as creating a boolean question (yes or no) or using a date field or requiring a numerical (integer) answer if you wanted to collect a phone number.  The 2nd option was to use requirements which was a limited way to ask a question and only provided a check box or a text field. 

However, requirements allowed the set-up of notifications (email and task) where custom attributes did not so typically requirements were often used.  

In the last couple year CollegeNET has now allowed the ability to create event form rules which allows more flexibility. This QRG shows you how to build a rule allowing you to use custom attributes for your question while linking them to requirements so email notifications and tasks are created.

2. The first step is to make sure you have both a custom attribute and requirement created that asks the same question. To create a custom attribute or requirement you want to go:

More Menu > System Settings > Master Definitions > Custom Attributes > Events

More Menu > System Settings > Master Definitions > Requirements > Other

Creating an Event Custom Attribute

Creating a custom attribute

Creating an Event Requirement

Creating an Event Requirement

3. When you set-up your Requirement you want to also set-up your Notification. To do this make sure you select the "Notification Policy" view and add your contact information.

Creating a Notification

4.. Once your similar custom attribute and requirement are built, you want to go to the event form rules section and create your rule.

More Menu > System Setting > Event Form Rules > Rule Settings > Add New Root Rule

Event form rule 1

5. When creating an event form rule, first add a name for your rule.  In this example I'm creating a notification for my food services team.  My source will be my custom attribute question which is what I'm displaying on my event form.  You then want to select a value. This custom attribute set-up is a boolean question so I ONLY want the notification to be sent out if the user answers YES to the question. 

Lastly I want to set-up a target.  The target for this rule will be the similar requirement.  You can find it by clicking the tab "select requirement" and check the box for the matching requirement and then make sure to save your rule.

Event form rule image 2
Event form rule image 3

6. In summary, once this rule is built and active, an email and task will be generated to the contacts you added to the requirement notification set-up.


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