Setting Up Basic Pricing--Part I

Create Rate Groups

Purpose: Use this document as a reference for how to start using basic pricing functionality

Audience: 25Live Functional Administrators and Event Schedulers

Pricing is tied to your organizations. You are required to choose an organization for each event. The cornerstone to your pricing structure is going to be around your mix of organizations on and off campus.

The first task when setting up your pricing is to create your Rate Groups. If you were to look at your current rate structure on campus, how many different types of rates do you charge organizations? You may have an internal rate that you bill your internal organizations and student groups or perhaps your student groups get billed a different rate?  You may have a government rate or possibly a non-profit rate that may be different from what you bill businesses or for-profit organizations? Setting up these different Rate Groups provide flexibility in billing different amounts to different types of organizations.

  1. Log into the 25Live Pro 
  2. Go the More menu and scroll down to System Settings.  
  3. Click the Pricing Set Up button and then Rate Groups.
  4. Click the Create New button to add new Rate Groups.
Setting Up Rate Groups Image 1
  1. After your Rate Groups are set-up then you need to navigate to your Organization Types.
  2. Go to the More Menu > System Settings > Master Definitions > Org Types.  You want to associate the rate groups you set-up with the specific Org Types.  
Assigning Rate Group to Organizations
  1. When adding new organizations or editing existing organizations, make sure to select the "Type" of organization and that will correlate with the specific Rate Group for that type.
Associating Orgs with Org Types
  1. The next step is to create your Rate Schedules which is in Part II.


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