9.2 Correcting Grant/Project Accounting Entries in T & E (Travel and Expenses - Journal Expense Report)
Purpose: Journal Expense Reports are used to adjust accounting entries for expense that have been posted and paid, and whose payments have been posted. Journal expense reports are not associated with changes to monetary amounts, nor do they create any payments. You process journal expense reports to correct accounting entries that have already been recorded in General Ledger.
Audience: EX Administrator.
You must have at least one of these local college managed security roles:
- ZZ Expenses Processing
If you need assistance with the above security roles, please contact your local college supervisor or IT Admin to request role access.
Scenario: A Expense report has been created using an incorrect Chartfield string, and is posted and paid. To avoid making a manual General Ledger entry, we simply enter a Journal expense report in Travel and Expense module. On the journal expense report, we reverse the amount to the incorrect Chartfields and add the amount to the correct Chartfields. This will keep the General Ledger and T&E in sync.
Example: Expense report has been entered incorrectly with project ID 0000001234, and is posted, paid and GL distributed. The project id should be 0000005678. Therefore, to correct the project ID we will create Journal expense report in T&E module.
Correct Grant/Project Accounting Entries in T & E
Navigation: Travel and Expenses > Manage Accounting > View/Adjust Accounting Entries > Adjust Paid Expenses
In order to create a Journal expense report, you must first know the Employee ID associated with that expense report and original Expense Report ID that requires an adjustment.
- The Journal Expense Report search page displays. You can search for an Empl ID by selecting the Look Up button next to the field.
- Select the Add button.
- The Modify Journal Entries for An Expense Report page displays. In the Journal Report ID field, enter the original expense ID that requires an adjustment. (Available expense IDs are those that are associated with employee IDs.
- Enter valid value in the Report Description field.
- Select the Select check box so that it contains a checkmark.
- Select the entry in the Expense Type column to view and/or modify the the ChartField for the expense.
This page displays the selected journal expense report line item and its associated ChartFields. A row displays a reversing entry that the system automatically created. You can modify the entry and create additional entries if necessary.
Modify the ChartFields to reflect the correct expense charges. If you charge the line to more than one set of ChartFields, adjust the amount to reflect the appropriate portion for these accounts.
All of the distribution amounts added together must equal zero for the expense line.
- Select OK.
- The Modify Journal Entries for An Expense Report page displays.
- Select the Select check box so that it contains a checkmark.
- Select Submit For Posting.
The system may take several moments to process your request. If you have budget checking Warnings or Errors, you will receive a message. Remember that you can still proceed with posting if a warning message is received, but Error messages must be resolved before posting.
- The updated Modify Journal Entries for An Expense Report page displays. Note that the Submit for Posting button is grayed-out and unavailable. Note that the Report ID has been populated.
Navigation: Travel and Expenses > Process Expenses > Expense Processing
- The Expense Transactions run control ID search page displays. Open existing Run Control ID or create new. (If you are creating new run control page then select your BU in “Selected Business Units” tab).
- The Expense Processes page displays.
- You will see count in Post Liabilities.
- Select “Post Liabilities” check box.
- Select Run.
- The process will run in background and after it has run successfully, you can see the accounting entries in Travel and Expense module. The Journal generator process must be run in order to move the accounting entries in GL.
- Process complete.
Video Tutorial
The video below demonstrates the process actions described in steps listed above. There is no audio included with this video. Select the play button to start the video. - coming soon!
Video Tutorial via Panopto
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