Viewing ChartField Definitions
Purpose: Use this document as a reference for how to view ChartField definitions in ctcLink.
Audience: Finance Staff
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Viewing Chartfield Definitions
Navigation: Set Up Financials/Supply Chain > Common Definitions > Design ChartFields > Define Values > Define ChartField Value
- The Define ChartField Value page displays. Use it to select the ChartField and corresponding values that you want to view or modify.
- Select Account.
- The Account selection page displays.
- Enter appropriate information into the SetID field on the Search page. Use WACTC for Accounts, Operating Units, Funds, Appropriations, Classes and State Purpose. Use your College SetID for Department, Program, College Defined, and Project.
- Select Search.
- The Account page displays. Use it to add, view and enter the details of individual Account values.
- Use the Effective Date field to enter the date on which the ChartField value is valid. Using a date in the distant past ensures that the value is available. Entering a date in the future prevents the Account from being used until that future date. This can be useful, for example, when you know a new Account will be needed in the next month/year. This field is required.
- Use the Status field to define the ChartField as Active or Inactive. Inactive values do not appear in look-up drop down boxes on other pages. Required Field.
- Enter the Description for the Account. Required Field.
- Enter the Short Description for the Account. Required Field.
- Select Budgetary Only if this is a roll-up Account, as opposed to a transactional Account. Budgetary Only Accounts cannot be used on journal lines or other types of distributions.
- Select the Monetary Account Type - Asset, Liability, Equity (Fund Balance), Revenue or Expense.
- Return to the ChartField Values page. Refer to the navigation path at the top of this document.
- The ChartField Values pages displays.
- Select Department.
- The Department selection page displays.
- Enter SetID.
- Enter Department.
- Select Search.
- The Department page displays. It enables you to add, view and modify Department ChartField values.
- Use the Effective Date field to enter the date on which this ChartField value is valid. Using a date in the distant past ensures that the value will be available for any record requiring this ChartField value.
- Use the Status field to define the ChartField value as Active or Inactive.
- Enter a Description for the Department.
- Select the Budgetary Only check box if the department value is to be used for budgetary purposes only. The department value then became unavailable for recording actual transaction entries.
Video Tutorial
The video below demonstrates the process actions described in the steps listed above. There is no audio included with this video. Select the play button to start the video.
View Tutorial via Panopto
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