Fixed Priced Grant/Contract Billing

Purpose:  Use this document as a reference for how to complete a Fixed Contract billing in ctcLink. For As Incurred or Reimbursable Contract Billing, please see QRG Reimbursable Grant/Contract Billing.

Audience:  Finance/Grants Fiscal Staff.

You must have at least one of these local college managed security roles:

  • ZC Contracts Processing
  • ZZ Contract Maintenance
  • ZZ Contract Processing

If you need assistance with the above security roles, please contact your local college supervisor or IT Admin to request role access.

Fixed Priced Billing


  • All sponsors are in ctcLink with the appropriate “bill to” information, including addresses.
  • The award is fully executed.  The contract has been reviewed, the bill plan finalized and the contract activated.
  • All invoices are generated from Active Contracts.
  • Contracts that are “Fixed Price” will not have billable lines, invoices will by event (specific date and amount).
  • Use the generated PeopleSoft Invoice number as the grantor's invoice number.
  • Navigate to the Customer Contracts > Schedule and Process Billing > Define Billing Plan > Events tab to review the Event Date and Amount.
Example of Billing Events

Required Steps

1. Run the Contracts to Billing Interface

The Grant Manager will follow the preceding steps with the Awards that can be billed for the billing cycle.

Navigation: Customer Contracts > Schedule and Process Billing > Process Other Billing Methods

  1. The Process Other Billing Methods Run Control page displays.
  2. If you have run this process or report in the past, select the Find an Existing Value tab to enter an existing Run Control ID and select the Search button. If this is the first time running this process or report, select the Add a New Value tab to create a new Run Control ID and select the Add button. 
    • NOTE: It is important to note that Run Control IDs cannot be deleted. Do not include spaces in your Run Control. We encourage the Run Control ID to have the same process naming convention but unique to the step; because of this, including your institution code and a short process description in the Run Control ID is recommended--e.g., WA030_FPC_BILLING (College, Process).
  3. The Process Other Billing Methods page displays.
  4. Ensure that ‘Always’ is selected in the Process Frequency drop-down box.
  5. In Contract Options section, enter or use the lookup tool to enter the following search criteria values:
    1. Business Unit.
    2. Contract ID number.
  6. Under the Billing Options section, select or enter:
    1. Event Date Option and Invoice Date Option fields = Specify Date
    2. Enter your Event Date and Invoice Date. Remember that when billing Fixed Price Contracts the invoice is determined by the event date found in the contract.
  7. Select the Run button.

Warning:  The fields in the Contract Options group box limit the billing data that is included in the running of this process.  The user has the option to filter by Contract, (contracts) Business Unit, Contract Type, Sold to (customer), or Bill To (customer).  If you leave all fields blank, the process picks up all available billing activity in Contracts and in all schools.  Because we have the colleges on different Business Unit, this is not recommended in this environment.

Process other billing methods page
  1. The Process Scheduler Request window displays.
  2. The Contracts to Billing Interface process is automatically selected.
  3. Select the OK button.
  4. The Process Scheduler Request page disappears. For more information, please refer to the QRG Process Schedule Request steps for further instructions.
  5. The updated Process Other Billing Methods page displays. Note the Process Instance number for this will be used in the next step.
  6. Select the Process Monitor link. Refer to the QRG Process Scheduler/Process Monitor for instructions.
select process monitor link
  1. In the Process Monitor page, select the Details hyperlink on the associated CA_BI_INTFC Process Name that was run.
  2. The Process Detail window opens, select the Message Log hyperlink.
  3. The Message Log window displays. Write down the INTFC_ID. Close out various windows.
Process Monitor page to Details link to Message Log to view the Interface ID

This INTFC_ID will be required for the next procedure.  The interface ID is located near the bottom of the message. If you do not find an INTFC_ID in the message log, do not rerun the process. Instead please refer to QRG Correcting Interface ID Errors.

2. Execute Billing Interface Process

You must have at least one of these local college managed security roles:

  • ZZ Billing Processing
  • ZZ Grant Processing

If you need assistance with the above security roles, please contact your local college supervisor or IT Admin to request role access.

Now that you have successfully run the Contract to Billing Interface, the Billing Interface must be run in order to convert staged data into actual temporary bills in the Billing module.

Navigation: Billing > Interface Transactions > Process Billing Interface

  1. The Process Billing Interface search page displays.
  2. If you have run this process or report in the past, select the Find an Existing Value tab to enter an existing Run Control ID and select the Search button. If this is the first time running this process or report, select the Add a New Value tab to create a new Run Control ID and select the Add button. 
    • NOTE: It is important to note that Run Control IDs cannot be deleted. Do not include spaces in your Run Control. We encourage the Run Control ID to have the same process naming convention but unique to the step; because of this, including your institution code and a short process description in the Run Control ID is recommended--e.g., WA040_PROCESS_BIL_INTERFACE (Business Unit, Process Name).
  3. The Process Billing Interface page displays.
  4. Enter into the From Interface ID and To Interface ID fields the INTFC_ID that was created and written down from the previous procedure (Contract to Billing Interface).
  5. Select the Run button. Please refer to QRG Process Scheduling/Process Monitor for more instructions.

Interface IDs are Global.  Although other interface ID’s may be available for selection, the Billing/Grant Specialist should only select the interface ID related to the billing cycle they are currently processing. Otherwise, if they process all interface ID’s it will be more complicated for the other Billing Specialists to locate their respective bills.

Process Billing Interface
  1. The Process Scheduler Request page displays.
  2. Select the Billing Interface checkbox.
  3. Select OK.
Select Billing Interface and OK
  1. The Process Billing Interface page displays. Note the Process Instance number.
  2. Select the Process Monitor link to view and confirm that the BIIF0001 process finished with a Run Status of ‘Success’. For more information on this process, please see QRG Process Scheduler/Process Monitor.

Optional to select the Details and then the Message Log links to view the number of Bill Lines created.

Message log
3. Review Billing Worksheet

You must have at least one of these local college managed security roles:

  • ZZ Billing Entry
  • ZZ Grant Processing

If you need assistance with the above security roles, please contact your local college supervisor or IT Admin to request role access.

The purpose of the Billing Worksheet is to allow a user to verify some of the information that would appear on an invoice before an invoice is generated. At this stage, the invoice is a temporary invoice and will have a prefix of TMP. In addition to this page ctcLink provides functionality that allows you to produce a Pro Forma invoice before approving the billing worksheet. This process allows you to produce an invoice for those individuals who may not have access to the billing worksheet or the ability to run billing processes. The pro-forma invoice shows how the real invoice will look and shows the demographic data that will appear on invoice.

The user can then return to the Billing Worksheet(s) on this page and either approve or delete each worksheet and save the page. After the page is saved, all Billing Worksheets that had an action value of Approved or Delete disappear from the page. The user will need to navigate to the Manage Contract/Project Bills. If the user needs to modify the temporary invoice, the invoice should be deleted and the billing process should be run from the beginning again to capture whatever changes occur within the ctcLink source systems once the changes are completed.  

Navigation: Billing > Manage Billing Worksheet > Update Billing Worksheet

  1. The Worksheet Headers tab displays.
  2. Optional to select specific search criteria by selecting the Set Filter Options link.
  3. The Set Filter Options window displays.
  4. Confirm that the Business Unit field is populated.
  5. Enter other search values as you wish.
  6. Select the Save Search or Search button.

Note:  Using the Set Filter Options page, the user can search for a specific Billing Worksheet or a group of worksheets to be reviewed. This is a one-time setup step. The other fields can be used (i.e Contract #) in the future on the ad hoc basis to filter the worksheets displayed.

Review Filter Options
  1. The Set Filter Options window disappears.
  2. The contracts that match the criteria entered on Set Filter Options page appear in the Header Level Detail section of the page.
  3. Select Header Info 1 button to view the header information for a particular bill.Optional to review Billing Worksheet by selecting the TMP-00000XXXXX link. Note: Fixed Price Contracts usually have only 1 billing line item.

Optional to review Billing Worksheet by selecting the TMP-00000XXXXX link. Note: Fixed Price Contracts usually have only 1 billing line item for the amounts are based upon the set Contract Award Event Date & Amounts.

select header info 1 icon
  1. The Worksheet Header information for all awards that have expenses to be billed will be displayed.
  2. Review the fields and links on this page to identify any incorrect values for the Sponsor.
  3. Select Save to save changes. (This step is suggested on initial billings of a sponsor to ensure that the correct setup has occurred for both the sponsor and awards. Any incorrect information can be updated from these pages; however the Billing Specialist should also update the Sponsor data as well as contact the Grants Manager for Award setup problems.)
  4. Select the Navigation drop down menu arrow to select Header - Note or from the Header - Info 1 page select the Notes link.

Leave Invoice Date and Accounting Date BLANK. The system will auto-fill with the Current Date on the Pro Forma and Finalized Invoice. This avoids the invoice being 'stuck' in a prior period.

Nav to header note
  1. The Header - Note page displays. Add information within the Note Text box.
  2. Select Save to save changes.
  3. Select the Pro Forma icon to review the draft temp invoice.

Use the Header Note page to add additional custom details, such as Grant Name, Billing Period, or ChartString data. This can help when applying payments and month and/or year end reconciliation.

Select the Pro Forma icon

The Pro Forma displays. Review as needed and close out the page. Return to Worksheet Header main page or navigate back to Update Billing Worksheet.

Review pro forma

Navigation: Billing > Manage Billing Worksheet > Update Billing Worksheet

  1. The Update Billing Worksheet or main Worksheet Headers page displays.
  2. Select the check box corresponding to the appropriate contract and select the Approve Now button.  
  3. The page automatically saves. The TMP invoice disappears. Select the Manage Contract/Project Bills link to quickly navigate to review RDY Grant Bill.

Only Approve the TMP worksheet(s) if are correct and ready to be finalized, otherwise you should select the 'Delete Now' button and start the process over again.

Approve now button
4. Search, Select, Print Pro Forma, or Generate Invoice

You must have at least one of these local college managed security roles:

  • ZZ Billing Contracts
  • ZZ_AWE_BI_APPR_060
  • ZZ_AWE_BI_APPR_062
  • ZZ_AWE_BI_APPR_063
  • ZZ_AWE_BI_APPR_064

If you need assistance with the above security roles, please contact your local college supervisor or IT Admin to request role access.

Navigation: Billing > Manage Billing Worksheet > Review Contract/Project Bills

(OR select the Manage Contract/Project Bills link from the Update Billing Worksheet page)

  1. The Review Contract/Project Bills page displays.
  2. Enter Business Unit.
  3. Enter appropriate values in any of the fields in the top portion of the page and click the Search button. Copy or write down the invoice number(s) to be finalized.

Note: Specifying multiple values will help you to limit the number of results returned.

Also note the Pro Forma icon is available to review the invoice as it will be printed.

Review Contracts/Project Bills

You must have at least one of these local college managed security roles:

  • ZZ Billing Entry
  • ZZ Grant Processing

If you need assistance with the above security roles, please contact your local college supervisor or IT Admin to request role access.

Navigation: Billing > Generate Invoices > Non-Consolidated > Single Action Invoice

  1. The Single Action Invoice search page displays.
  2. If you have run this process or report in the past, select the Find an Existing Value tab to enter an existing Run Control ID and select the Search button. If this is the first time running this process or report, select the Add a New Value tab to create a new Run Control ID and select the Add button. 
    • NOTE: It is important to note that Run Control IDs cannot be deleted. Do not include spaces in your Run Control. We encourage the Run Control ID to have the same process naming convention but unique to the step; because of this, including your institution code and a short process description in the Run Control ID is recommended--e.g., WA040_SINGLE_ACTION_INV (Business Unit, Process).
  3. The Single Action Invoice page displays.
  4. Select the Print Options tab.
  5. In the Summarization Options section, select Print Both Summarized & Detail.
  6. Select the Save button.
  7. Return to the Single Action Invoice tab.

Once you have set your preferences for Print Options, the system will remember your select for future billings!

Set Print Options
  1. The Single Action Invoice tab displays. Select the following selection parameters:
    1. Select the Posting Action to Batch Standard.
    2. Select Invoice ID.
    3. Enter Business Unit.
    4. Enter From Invoice and the To Invoice auto-fills.
  2. Select the Yellow Folder Icon to review what Bills are to be processed.
Set criteria
  1. The Bills To Be Processed window displays. Review as needed.
  2. Select Return.
  3. Select Run.

If the Bills To Be Processed is blank or missing information, then no Bills are ready to be processed, you may need to have your invoice 'Submit for Approval' or have an issue.

preview of bills to be processed
  1. The Process Scheduler Request page displays.
  2. Select the process Single Action w/ Comm Cntl or BIJOB03K and also verify that the type and format are set as shown below.
  3. Select OK.
Select Single Action with comm control
  1. The Process Scheduler page disappears.
  2. Note the Process Instance number and select the Process Monitor link OR navigate to the Process Monitor: Navigation > Peopletools > Process Scheduler > Process Monitor. For more information, please refer to the Process Schedule Request steps for further instructions.
  3. Refresh the page until the Run Status is Success and Distribution Status is Posted.
  4. Select the Report Manager link OR navigate to Navigation > Reporting Tools > Report Manager

Optional to select the BIJOBO3K hyperlink to view the status of the process.

Process Detail window
  1. The Reporting Manager page is displayed.
  2. Select the Administration tab.
  3. Select the BIXCLSUM_BIXCLSUM.pdf description hyperlink to view or print the invoice.

Note: The general ledger accounting entries and AR tables will be loaded as a part of the nightly batch process. If the Sponsor requires the bill to be completed in a format they provide, provide a copy of the completed Sponsor Invoice to be scanned into image now in the Business office once bill is sent out.

Report Manager page

SBCTC recommends to use the PeopleSoft Invoice (i.e. CA-15110 or CA-0000015110) number as your OBIS Invoice Number or G5 Drawdown description. This will help with month/year end reconciliation as well as future audits. For more information, please see SBCTC Memo_OBIS Invoice Number.

Fixed Price Invoice displays
  1. Process complete.
FPC Billing Checklist

After you understand the processes above, the following resource provides a quick 1 page checklist to print out or reference when running the Fixed Price Contract Billing process.

FPC Grant Billing Process

Video Tutorial

The video below demonstrates the process actions described in the steps listed above. This video includes audio and closed captioning.  Select the play button to start the video.

Video Tutorial Via Panopto

View the external link to Fixed Price Billing. This link will open in a new tab/window.

You are done. Great job!


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