9.2 MSS - Position Management - Fluid
Purpose: Use this document to navigate Fluid tiles for Position Management using Manager functions. This document includes information for the Approval Process.
Audience: Managers
Manager Self Service - Position Management
Navigation: Manager Self-Service Fluid Homepage
- Select the CTC Team tile.

- The CTC Team page displays.
- Select the Position Request from the links on the left of the screen.

- The View Manage/Create Position page displays.
- Managers can narrow the search results for existing positions by entering the most common search criteria of Position Number or Description on the left side of the search page. ( Oracle limits the display of search results to 100 rows. Using more specific search criteria will help refine search results.)
- In order to search based on partial data use the search wild character (%) to search positions containing that value. [For examples, refer to graphics after Step 8.]
- For example: When searching for a Position Number starting with 0000858, adding the percent sign (%) at the end of the partial entry - 0000858% - will fetch all positions starting with that number when you click Search.
- Another example of a wild character search that is useful when you know a partial value, but are not sure where in the string it is located.
For instance, you know that the word support is used in the Description field. Search using the wild character both at the beginning and at the end of the partial entry.
This means in the Description field, you enter %SUPP% and Search.
(In this example, SUPP was used as the partial text in case Support was abbreviated for length in a long description.) - Other search criteria available are :
Position Status
NOTE: Use the Position Status field to search for positions during the approval process, prior to being completely approved and having a number assigned.
Options include: Approved; Frozen; Proposed
Once completely through the approval process flow and a number is assigned, then the status changes to Active / Inactive. - Reports to Position Number (Use this field if your college is using the Report To at the position level.) [Refer to Step 9 for additional search criteria.]
Position Status
- Once you have entered your search criteria, select the Search button to view your search results.

- You can further filter your returned search results using the following fields on the left side of the page.
- Business Unit
- Company
- Department (HR Department with numbers 98500 and above.)
- Job Code

- From the same View Manage/Create Position page you can add a new position. If you have search results already displayed on this page, then click the 'Clear' button to remove the search result and view the add button as shown in the screenshot below.
- To Add a new Position request select the Add button.

- You will be directed to the Start Page of an Activity Guide (left side navigation).
- Positions are auto numbered. There is no need to change or update the default position number on this page.
- The Effective Date is the date that will be used in the system as the start point for that position. (If a position is expected to be requested but not used until the next calendar year, the date should be updated to reflect that timing. For example, 1/1/2021).
- Select the Continue button.

- You will be directed to the first step of an Activity Guide on the Create Position page. NOTE: Required fields are indicated by an asterisk.
- The CTC budget subsections and the CTC Position Information section are custom fields.
- You have the option to identify up to three (3) budgets for position funding allocation.
- At least one budget must be identified and all of that budget’s fields are required for an entered budget.
- Within the CTC Position Fields, add any supporting text that is required to justify the position request. If full documents are required, there is an attachments section that may be used as well.
- When all required fields are complete, select the Next button.

- You will be directed to the second step of an Activity Guide. (At any point in the process, you can navigate to previously accessed steps by selecting Previous or by using the links that are active on the left of the screen). Please note: You cannot jump ahead in the process until they complete the prior steps.
- While the FTE is a delivered field, and does not show an * indicating it is required, IT DOES NEED TO BE COMPLETED.
- Select the Next button.

- You will be directed to the third step of an Activity Guide.
- Within the step, you may include any pertinent attachments the are part of the position request detail or background.
- Select the Next button.
- You will be directed to the fourth step of an Activity Guide.
- Within the step, you may review budgeted incumbent information related to the position. Note: It is only pertinent to update incumbents is the user is working on managing or updated an existing position with a current incumbent.
- Select the Next button.

- You will be directed to the final step of the Activity Guide. Within the step, you may review summary information related to what has been added in the prior steps.
- To submit the request, select the Submit button.

- You will be directed to the submission confirmation page for the position.
- On this page, if approvals are required for the college/entity, you will see the routing of the approval for the request to the one to many potential approvers.
- If no approvals are required, the position is created as approved and active as of the entered effective date. If approvals are required, the position will not be active until all approval stops have been completed.
- This is the last step for the initiating user unless there is pushback and changes within the approvals.
- To submit the request, select the Submit button.

- Process complete.
- For Approval Process Information, continue to the next section.
Position Request approval leverages the delivered FLUID approval functionality. Approvals are only pertinent for those entities that do have approvals enabled for this transaction.
Approval stops and the path of approval can and will vary across entities. Note: the example shown is a generic approval path.
NOTE: Users involved in the approval process may navigate to the specific approval in multiple ways - Email, Approval Center, Alerts.
Navigation: Manager Self-Service Fluid Homepage
- Select the Approvals tile for the main approval center.

- Alternatively, navigation from alerts will show the user specific approvals requiring action. You may navigate directly to the approval requiring attention.
- On the Fluid Approval Center, (which you will be directed to once you select a transaction requiring attention/approval) you may review approvals across transaction types.
- Select a specific transaction requiring approval.
- The position request overview is shown highlighting summary fields being submitted.
- You may view the full position request detail by selecting the View Position Details link.
- Note: This page is read only. It is a requirement that the user has access to the specific department for the position being submitted to access the full details of the position details.
- The approver may input approver comments. These comments are date and time stamped. They are visible to all other users in the process.
- Selecting the Approval Chain, you may see all of the users within the approval process. The approver can view and access any attachments provided by the submitter.

- The Approval Chain pagelet displays.
- In this example there is only one approval stop.
- Reminder: There may be multiple approvals stops in place.
- The HR office is responsible for reviewing the approval at the start of the process. If additional approvers need to be involved in the process, you can select the [+] button to select and add additional approvers as needed.

- The Insert additional approver or reviewer pagelet displays.
- Select a User ID.
- Select the Insert button.

- The Approval Chain pagelet displays.
- The Additional Approver is inserted.
- Select the [x] in the top right corner to return to the main Approval page.

- The Approval page displays.
- When you have reviewed the submission and are ready to approve, select the Approve button.
- Note that if there is an issue the approver may Pushback the transaction to the submitter to make amendments.
- If the approval is not valid, the approver may Deny the transaction outright.
- Once approved, the transaction is then sent to additional approvers in the process.

- Approver process complete.
- End of procedures.