Manager Self-Service Tile Overview
Purpose: Use this document to review actions available in the Manager Self-Service Tiles.
Audience: Managers/Supervisors
PLEASE NOTE: Dependent on the security roles assigned to you, some tiles may not be available to you. Questions? Contact your college Security Team.
Recruiting Activities Tile
- Search applicants
- Create job openings
- Review applicant lists
- Review interview calendar
- Review saved searches

Approvals Tile
- Review pending approvals

Delegations Tile
- Create a delegation request
- Review My Delegates
- Review My Delegated Authorities
Modifications have been made to enable the Proxy to approve their own Absence/Payable time request. The system will route the approval to both the Delegator and Delegate, and either of them can approve the request.

My Team Tile
- View your list of employees
- Review compensation for employees
- Review leave balances for employees

Team Time Tile
- Timesheets
- Report time
- Payable time
- Leave/Comp time
- Request absence
- Cancel absences
- View requests
- Absence balances
- Manage exceptions

Team Profiles Tile
- Search and compare profiles
- Team talent profiles
- Maintain job profiles
- Team interest list

Open Jobs Tile
- Review current job openings

CTC Team Tile
- Review timesheets
- Approve timesheets
- Review comp time
- Review overtime requests
- Create work schedules for employees