9.2 Run Applications to be Processed Query (Fluid)

Purpose: Use this document as a reference for how to run the "Applications to be Processed" query in ctcLink Fluid by selecting the Admissions Processing tile on the CS Staff Homepage.

Audience: Student Services staff.

PREREQUISITES: Applications must be entered via one of the application entry scripts.

Run Applications to be Processed Query

Navigation: ctcLink CS Staff Homepage

  1. The ctcLink CS Staff Homepage displays.
  2. Select the Admissions Processing Tile.
  3. The Admissions Processing page displays.
  4. Select Processing Applications from the left-side navigation menu.
  5. The Processing Applications menu expands.
  6. Select the Applications to be Processed sub-menu.
  7. The page will open on the Query Prompt for Institution.
  8. Input Institution and select View Results.
  9. If desired, select Excel Spreadsheet to download.

This query pulls applications that need to be processed and will not include any applicants that have been previously matriculated.

Process complete.


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