View Class Roster (Fluid)
Purpose: Use this document as a reference for viewing the class roster in Fluid, using the Faculty Center section of the CS Staff Homepage.
Audience: Student Services Staff.
My Schedule will display your class schedule for the current term. In this display, you are able to view a different term schedule or class roster. In ctcLink, letter case matters. Capital (upper-case) letters come before lowercase. On the class roster below are several staged “names” to show how the case affects the sort. For example, the capital S comes before the lowercase s.
- Class Roster Name. Before you ask, a student’s preferred name is what shows on a Class Roster.
- There are queries that will help you to identify same-cased names.
- QCS_CC_NAMES_ALL_ONE_CASE - Lists names not title cased.
- QCS_CC_NAMES_ALL_ONE_CASE_TERM - Lists names not title cased for term.

View Class Roster
Some email systems, such as Gmail, have strict Spam filtering mechanisms to protect their users. However, these filters can also prevent students from receiving emails sent via the Faculty Center and Advisor Center when more than one recipient is selected. While SBCTC discusses this issue and looks for solutions, staff should minimize their use of the “Notify All” functionality in ctcLink. At this time, we recommend limiting notifications to one recipient at a time when sent via the Faculty Center and Advisor Center.
How does this differ from 3Cs? 3Cs functionality sends one email at a time per user, whereas Faculty and Advisor Centers send one email to all selected users at a time.
Navigation: ctcLink CS Staff Homepage > Faculty Center Tile
- The Faculty Center page displays.
- Select the My Schedule menu list item.
- Verify you are viewing the correct term and institution. If necessary, select Change Term to change between terms or institutions.
- Select the Class Roster button. (Looks like three figures standing together, under My Teaching Schedule).
- The Class Roster page displays.
- In the Enrollment Status field, select the drop-down menu button.
- If any students are waitlisted or have dropped the class, activate the Enrollment Status drop-down list and choose Waiting.
- To see all students regardless of Enrollment Status, select the All option.
- The Enrollment Status displays.
- Choose the Select All button at the bottom of the page. At this time, we recommend limiting notifications to one recipient at a time when sent via the Faculty Center and Advisor Center.
- Select the Notify Selected Students button.
- The Send Notification displays.
- Complete the applicable fields.
- Select Send Notification.
- After confirmation of send, select the Return to Class Roster link.
- The My Schedule page displays.
- To view a different term:
- Select the Change Term button, if desired.
- Select another term and select the Continue button.
Process complete.
Stephanie Baker
The QRG mentions that if a student is wait listed this will populate as an option in the "Enrollment Status" drop down. Could you provide a screenshot for this and some information for faculty to view wait lists? We are not seeing the wait list option in the drop down currently.