9.2 Assigning a Checklist to a Person (Fluid)
Purpose: Use this document as a reference for assigning a checklist to a person in ctcLink Fluid, using the Admissions Processing section of the CS Staff Homepage.
Audience: Student Services staff.
Assigning a Checklist to a Person
Navigation: ctcLink CS Staff Homepage > Admissions Processing Tile
- The Admissions Processing page displays.
- Select the Admissions Communications menu from the left-side navigation.
- The Admissions Communications menu expands.
- Select the Checklist Management - Person sub-menu.
- The Checklist Management - Person page displays.
- Select Add a New Value tab.
- The Add a New Value page displays.
- Input the value in the ID field.
- Select the Add button.
- The Checklist Management 1 tab displays.
- Input the value in the Administrative Function field.
- Select the value for the Academic Institution field.
- Input the value for the Checklist Code field.
- Select the value for the Status field.
- Input or Search for the value in the Due Date field.
- Insert the value in the Comments field.
- Leave the Due Amount field blank.
- Leave the Currency Code field blank.
- Select the Variable Date button.
- The Variable Data pagelet displays.
- Input values in the Variable Data fields. The Variable Data values will depend on the Administrative Function chosen.
- Select OK to close the pagelet.
- The Checklist Management 1 page displays.
- Select the Checklist Management 2 tab.
- The Checklist Management 2 page displays.
- View the Checklist Item Table entries related to the Checklist Code.
- Select the Save button.
- Return to the Checklist Management - Person search page by selecting the Return to Search button that displays once you save the page.
- Remove the Sequence Number value from the Search Criteria section.
- Select the Search button.
- The Checklist Codes assigned to this student are displayed in the search results.
- Select the Checklist Code entry from the Search Results with the highest Sequence Number value to display the person record and validate the Checklist Code just entered is present.
- The Checklist Management 1 page displays.
- Select the Checklist Management 2 tab.
- The Checklist Management 2 page displays.
- Select the Add a New Row [+] icon to insert a new Checklist Item to the Checklist Item Table section.
- A new Checklist Item row displays in the Checklist Item Table section.
- View the Sequence field.
- Search for and select an additional value for the Item field.
- View the Status field to see that it is set to "Initiated".
- View the Status Date field. It will be set to the Status Date specified on the Checklist Management 1 tab.
- Select the Checklist Management 1 tab.
- The Checklist Management 1 page displays.
- Highlight and copy the Due Date value.
- Select the Checklist Management 2 tab.
- The Checklist Management 2 page displays.
- Paste the copied Due Date value in the Due Date field.
- View the Responsible ID field, which will default to your User ID.
- Select the Save button.
Process complete.
Video Tutorial
The video below demonstrates the process actions described in the steps listed above. There is no audio included with this video. Select the play button to start the video.
Video Tutorial via Panopto
View the external link to Assigning a Checklist to a Person (Fluid). This link will open in a new tab/window.
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