Course Equivalencies (Fluid)
Purpose: Use this document as a reference for how to create course equivalencies in Fluid, using the Curriculum Management section of the CS Staff Homepage.
Audience: Student Services staff
Course Equivalencies
Navigation: ctcLink CS Staff Homepage > Curriculum Management Tile
- The Curriculum Management page displays.
- Expand the Course Catalog menu if collapsed.
- Select the Course Equivalencies sub-menu list item.
- The Course Equivalencies search page displays.
- Select the Add a New Value tab.
- Accept default value of NEW.
- Select the Add button.
When you Add a New Value, the Equivalent Course Group = "NEW". This value should not be changed. The system will automatically assign an Equivalent Course Group number at save time.
- The Course Equivalencies page displays.
- Enter the Effective Date for this Equivalent Course Group. The effective date defines when the status you select is valid.
- Select the Status = "Active" when adding a new equivalent course group.
- Enter the desired information into the Description field.
- Enter the desired information into the Short Description field.
- Select the Save button.
An Equivalency Group number is now generated. You will need this number for the remaining steps of this process.

- Navigate to: ctcLink CS Staff Homepage > Curriculum Management Tile > Course Catalog menu > Course Catalog sub-menu
- The Course Catalog search page displays.
- Enter Search Criteria to search for the desired Course ID.
- Select Correct History to update the current effective dated row for the catalog offering.
NOTE: Any older effective dated rows that are considered equivalent must be updated with the Equivalent Course Group number.
- The Course Data tab displays.
- In the Additional Course Information section, enter the Equivalent Course Group number.
- Select the Save button.
- Select the Return to Search button.
- Now that the courses have been associated with the Equivalent Course Group number, view the equivalencies in the Course Equivalencies component.
- Navigate to ctcLink CS Staff Homepage > Curriculum Management Tile > Course Catalog Menu > Course Equivalencies sub-menu
- The Course Equivalences search page displays.
- Enter the desired information into the Equivalent Course Group field.
- Select the Search button.
- The Course Equivalencies page displays.
- Select the Fetch Course Equivalencies button to view all courses this Equivalent Course Group is attached.

Process complete.
Lynn Clements
How does one fix an incorrect equivalency group?
Tanjagay Martin
Hello Lynn,
Your question is greatly appreciated; thank you. Course equivalencies are changed at the Course Catalog level. If further assistance is needed, please submit a CS Support ticket: Thank you so much, Lynn. Have a fantastic day! ~Tanjagay Martin | CS Core Trainer.