9.2 QARS Reports (Fluid)
Purpose: Use this document as a reference for gaining access to the Quality Assurance Reporting System (QARS) tools via Fluid navigation in ctcLink.
Audience: Curriculum Management staff.
QARS Reports
Navigation: ctcLink CS Staff Homepage > Curriculum Management Tile
- The Curriculum Management page displays.
- Expand Class Scheduling Audits menu on the left.
- Select the QARS Reports sub-menu list item.
- The QARS Reports page displays.
- Select the QARS Reports link.

- The Quality Assurance Reporting System homepage displays in a new window.
- Review and close the new window.

- The QARS Reports page displays.
- Select the QARS Access Request Form link.

- The ctcLink PeopleSoft Reporting page displays in a new window.
- Select the QARS Access Request Form (PDF) link.

- The QARS Access Request Form (PDF) displays in a new window.
- Save it and close the new window.
- Close the ctcLink PeopleSoft Reporting new window.

- Process complete.
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