CH.001.1 FWL Assign Instructor Work (Project Archive)

User Acceptance Test Overview

The information below is intended to provide colleges guidance on testing Faculty Workload.  The first step in the process is to assign work to an instructor. Work is either assigned by adding the instructor to a class (instructional assignment) or by adding a non-instructional work assignment (e.g. Special Assignments, Lab Center Hours or Release Time) in the Instructor Term Workload table. Both full and part-time faculty are handled the same in this step of the process, with the exception that full-time faculty will need their regular load (FTE% calculated) without generating pay within FWL, as pay for full-time faculty regular load is generated by the semi-monthly pay in HCM.



Before assigning work to an instructor, the instructor must exist in the Instructor/Advisor table.  If a college requires that each class be taught by an verified instructor (as designated in the Academic Organization configuration), then the instructor must also have the Approved Coursework tab completed on the Instructor/Advisor table before being visible in Schedule of Class.  To ensure a more effective test process prep-steps for instructors have been added to this User Acceptance Test guide.  These prep-steps can be done instructor-by-instructor, or can be performed to 'pre-check' the pool of instructors intended to be used in testing.  


Before assigning an instructor in Schedule of Class, the Instructor Contact Hours and Units (credits) on the Course and the Class must be accurate.  To ensure a more effective test process prep-steps for course and class have been added to this User Acceptance Test guide. These prep-steps can be done course-by-course before each instructor is assigned to a class, or can be performed to 'pre-check' the pool of classes intended to be used in testing.  

Performing these prep-steps will help avoid unnecessary failures in the Class Assignment and FWL Calculation process that can be difficult to triage and prolong the testing activity.


When testing the addition of an instructional assignment as part of the Faculty Workload process it will be important to test the addition of many different types of class assignments.  You will want to test at least two instructional assignments for each Contract Type you have had configured. It is important to verify that the Assignment Type appears as expected in Schedule of Class and that it works for the various types and combinations of components (Lecture, Lab, Clinical, Independent Study) possible within Schedule of Class.  Refer to the Minimum Test Case (Data) Scenarios for recommendations.

To allow for more streamlined testing activities, more unique situations (class cancellations, instructor late starts, proration of pay due to instructor leaving, etc.) requiring adjustments to an instructor's teaching assignment have been isolate to a separate step - CH.001.6 - FWL Process Class Adjustments.

Business Process Flow Diagram

Self-Pace Training Materials (Advanced Prep)

To prepare yourself in advance for the richest testing experience below are required Canvas Courses. Successful course completion is a prerequisite to participate in all UAT activities.

  • FW100 Faculty Workload (Payroll, HCM)
  • FW200 Intermediate Faculty Workload

To register for these required courses visit the ctcLink Training Registration Page.

Additional Resources

Instructor-Led Training Materials and Recordings

Faculty Workload Quick Reference Guides (QRG)

Background Configuration Information:

For information on the configuration behind what is seen in the Faculty Workload module please refer to the  following Quick Reference  Guide(s):

Assignment Type Configuration

Minimum Test Case (Data) Scenarios:

Scenarios for CH.001.1.5 - Add Assignment to Schedule of Class

  • A single component (e.g. Lecture, Lab, Clinical) class with one instructor assigned.
  • An instructor assigned to a diverse range of classes across multiple jobs, each in a different HR Department.
  • A class scheduled from a course with multiple components, where the same instructor is teaching both components (e.g. Lecture and Lab course).
  • A class scheduled from a course with multiple components, where the instructors teaching both components are different.
  • A class with multiple meeting patterns.
  • A class that is short in duration (not one that begins at the term start and ends at term end).
  • A class with multiple instructors assigned to a single component (Team Taught).

Scenarios for CH.001.1.6 - Add Assignment to Instructor Term Workload

  • Add a Release Time non-instructional assignment.
  • Add a Special Assignment (e.g. course preparations).

CH.001.1.5 - Add Assignment to Schedule of Class

  • Error ConditionSelect the wrong Assignment Type for the intended instructor/class assignment.
    • Expected Behavior: The next step in the process - FWL Calculation Process (Batch) - will generate an error in the log file showing that the Assignment Type could not be associated with a Contract Type.
  • Error ConditionEnter a random Empl Rcd Nbr, for which no job exists.
    • Expected Behavior: A field error will display and the Empl Rcd field lookup must be used to select the active & available employee record number.

CH.001.1.6 - Add Assignment to Instructor Term Workload

  • Error Condition: Enter a non-instructional assignment without adding hours in the Instructor Term Workload - workload field.
    • Expected Behavior: Entry will save, but pay will not calculate without hours entered.  

Previous Step in the High Level UAT Framework:

This is the first step in this high level flow diagram; however an upstream process would be to hire a new Full-Time or Part Time instructor.  This process is covered in the high level flow diagram for HCM:

UAT HH.001 Hire to Payroll with Centralized Absence [Sprint 1]

Return to the High Level (Tier 1) UAT Framework:

Next Step (Tier 2) in the High Level UAT Framework:

Links to User Acceptance Test 'How To' and environment link Information:

Overview of Acceptance Testing

Security Matrix Mapping Information

The information below provides those  completing the Security Matrix Mapping templates with the Menus, Pages  and Role names needed to execute the User Acceptance Testing relevant to this UAT guide.

CH.001.1.1 - [Prep Step] Verify Instructor on Instructor/Advisor Table,
CH.001.1.2 - [Pre-Step] Verify Approved Courses on Instructor/Advisor Table:

Menu: Curriculum Management > Instructor/Advisor Information> Instructor/Advisor Table
Role Name: ZZ FWL Contract Calc

CH.001.1.3 - [Prep-Step] Verify Course Catalog:

Menu: Curriculum Management > Course Catalog > Course Catalog
Role Name: ZZ FWL Contract Calc

CH.001.1.4 - [Prep-Step] Verify Class Instructor Contact Hours on Adjust Class Page:

Menu: Curriculum Management > Schedule of Classes > Schedule Class Meetings
Role Name: ZZ FWL Adjust Class

CH.001.1.5 - Add Assignment to Schedule of Class:

Menu: Curriculum Management > Schedule of Classes > Maintain Schedule of Class
Role Name: ZZ FWL Contract Calc

CH.001.1.6 - Add Assignment to Instructor Term Workload:

Menu: Curriculum Management > Instructor/Advisor Information> Instructor Term Workload
Role Name: ZZ FWL Contract Calc

At a minimum, these functions* should have these roles in order to ensure the ability to function within Faculty Workload:

Function: Contract Builder

Required Roles (Campus Solutions Pillar):

  • ZD FWL View Config
  • ZZ FWL Adjust Class
  • ZZ FWL Contract Calc
  • ZZ FWL Contract Gen
  • ZZ FWL Contract Approve

Required Roles (Human Capital Management Pillar):

  • ZD FWL HCM View Pay

Function: Dean/Approver

Required Roles:

  • ZZ FWL Contract Approve

Function: Pay Processor

Required Roles (Campus Solutions Pillar):

  • ZD FWL View Cnt Calc
  • ZZ FWL Pay Processing

Required Roles (Human Capital Management Pillar):

  • ZD FWL HCM View Pay

*Please note that these function names are generic and may differ from what is used at your institution.

PDF Version of Flow Diagram for Printing


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