Create a New Checklist Item (Financial Aid)

Purpose: Use this document as a reference for how to manage checklists in ctcLink.

Audience: FA Director.

You must have at least one of these local college managed security roles:

  • ZC FA Local Configuration
  • ZD FA Local Configuration

If you need assistance with the above security roles, please contact your local college supervisor or IT Admin to request role access.

You must also set the following SACR Security permissions:

Create a New Checklist Item

Checklist Item Table

Use the Checklist Item Table to define and manage items to make available for checklists and to configure the Checklist Items that appear in Fluid Self Service.

Navigation: Set Up SACR > Common Definitions > Checklists > Checklist Item Table

  1. The Checklist Item Table search page displays.
  2. Select the Add a New Value tab.
  3. Enter the Checklist Item Code and select the Add button.


Note: Checklist item codes are institution specific.

  1.  The Checklist Item Table page displays.
Checklist Item Table page
  1. In the Item Code Detail section - Populate the following fields:
    1. Effective Date – 01/01/1901
    2. Status – select the appropriate status – usually “Active.”
    3. Checklist Code Descr – full text description.
    4. Short Description – short description.
    5. Item Association – select the appropriate association or leave blank. The Item Association that you select here is used on checklist management pages when you assign checklists to IDs and for a number of automated processes.
    6. Comments – comments for the checklist item. Note that this is a rich text field, so you can format text and include external URLs or email links that are displayed on a Fluid User Interface.

Note: Comments are viewable to students in the ‘to do’ list in Student Services Center.

  1. In the Fluid Field Display section - Set up these optional fields for the Fluid User Interface.
    1. Checkboxes - Select a checkbox to display the field on the Task Details page from Person Checklist Item.
    2. Action Button Label - Sets up a button in the Hold Details modal page to navigate to another Fluid self-service page. The label value has a maximum of 30 characters in order to avoid horizontal scrolling.
  2. Configure the Upload File Functionality for Fluid Application Status.
    1. Enter the Menu Name, Component name and Page Name to be used.  -  Start typing in the field to select from the list of possible choices.
  3. Select the Save button to save your work.

Process complete.  

Video Tutorial

The video below demonstrates the process actions described in the steps listed above. There is no audio included with this video. Select the play button to start the video.

Video Tutorial Via Panopto

View the external link to Create a New Checklist Item.  This link will open in a new tab/window.

Checklist Item Functions Table

Use the Checklist Item Functions Table to associate Checklist Item(s) with Administrative Function(s).  This will make the Checklist Items available for selection from the Item Code field on the Checklist Table page.

Navigation: Set Up SACR > Common Definitions > Checklists > Checklist Item Functions Table

  1. The Checklist Item Functions Table search page displays.
  2. Enter the Administrative Function (FINA, FINT, GEN) you want to associate with your new Checklist Item.
  3. Select Search.
  4. The Checklist Item Functions Table page displays.
Checklist Item Functions Table
  1. Scroll to the bottom of the page and select Add.  
  2. Start typing in the Checklist Item Code field to select the new Checklist Item. Tab out of the field to display the Description.
  3.  Select Save to save your work.

Process complete.

Video Tutorial

The video below demonstrates the process actions described in the steps listed above. There is no audio included with this video. Select the play button to start the video.

View Tutorial Via Panopto

View the external link to Checklist Items Function Table. This link will open in a new tab/window.

Checklist Table

Use the Checklist Table to create and manage Checklists.

Navigation: Set Up SACR > Common Definitions > Checklists > Checklist Table

  1. The Checklist Table search page displays.
  2. Select Add a New Value.  
  3. Enter the Academic Institution.
  4. Enter the new Checklist Code.
  5. Select  Add.
  6. The Checklist Table page displays.
Checklist Table page
  1. In the Detail section of the Checklist Table page, populate the following fields:
    1. Effective Date – date of the checklist creation.
    2. Description – enter a description that matches the description created in the previous section.
    3. Short Description – enter a short description that matches the short description in the previous section.
    4. Function – select the appropriate function by clicking on the lookup icon.
    5. Checklist Type – select the checklist type.
    6. Display in Self Service – select the checkbox to allow students to view this checklist item in Self Service.
    7. Due Days – Select the appropriate number of days the checklist item is due from the date of assignment.
    8. Due Date – Enter the appropriate Due Date (optional).
    9. Tracking Group – SBCTC is not configured for tracking groups.
  2. In the Item List section populate the following fields:
    1. Sequence – the appropriate Sequence number (Currently SBCTC is using 100 for all checklist items).
    2. Item Code – enter or use the lookup tool to select the Item Code for the Checklist created.
    3. Default Due Date – SBCTC is not using default due dates at this time.
    4. Due Days – enter the Due Days from the Detail section in the previous step.
    5. Comm Key  – SBCTC is not using Communication Key at this time.
  3. Display Checklist section is only used for the Fluid User Interface.
    1. The grid only appears if the Display in Self Service check box in the Detail Section is selected.
    2. Select Item Status value(s) from the drop down lists.  

Note: This setup determines if these checklist items appear in the To Do List if Status values are defined at the Checklist level. If Status values are not defined for the checklist then the setup at institution-level determines which items to display. This option is applicable to items not set to Hide.

  1. Select Save to save  your work.

Process complete.

Video Tutorial

The video below demonstrates the process actions described in the steps listed above. There is no audio included with this video. Select the play button to start the video.

Video Tutorial Via Panopto

View the external link to Checklist Table.  This link will open in a new tab/window.

Checklist 3C Group

Use the Checklist 3C Group to grant security access to user groups in your database.

Navigation: Set Up SACR > Common Definitions > Checklists > Checklist 3C Groups

  1. The Checklist 3C Group search page displays.
  2. Enter the Academic Institution.
  3. Enter the newly created Checklist Code.
  4. Select the Search button.
  5. The Checklist 3C Groups page displays.
Checklist 3C Group
  1. Enter or look up the user Group(s) to work with this Checklist Item.  
  2. Select the Add button to add additional Groups.
  3. Select Save to save your work.

Process complete.

Video Tutorial

The video below demonstrates the process actions described in the steps listed above. There is no audio included with this video. Select the play button to start the video.

Video Tutorial Via Panopto

View the external link to Checklist 3C Group. This link will open in a new tab/window.


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