9.2 Approve a Job Opening

Purpose: Use this document as a reference for how to approve a job opening in ctcLink.

Audience: Hiring Managers and Supervisors.

You must have at least one of these local college managed security roles:

  • ZZ Recruiter

If you need assistance with the above security roles, please contact your local college supervisor or IT Admin to request role access.

Only users with the appropriate security access will be able to approve Job Openings. Please see your local Security Administrator for appropriate access.

Approve or Deny a Job Opening

NavigationMenu > Recruiting > Pending Approvals

  1. The Pending Approvals page displays.
  2. Select the desired link in the Subject section.
  3. The Manage Job Opening page displays.
  4. Review the job posting information by navigating through the tabs and links.
  5. Select the Approvals link to approve or deny the job posting.
  6. Select the links in the Pending and/or Not Routed sections to view the managers who need to approve the job posting.
  7. Note: Select the Insert Approvers [+] icon to add additional approvers to the workflow.
  8. The approver's list pagelet displays.  Select the Close [X] link.
  9. The Manage Job Opening page displays.
  10. Select the Approve button to approve the job posting.
  11. The approval is routed to the next level.
  12. If denying the job posting, select the Deny button.
  13. The Job Opening:Denied section displays.
  14. Enter the Status and complete the Comments Text field on why the job opening is being denied.
  15. Select the Resubmit button to have the user resubmit the position.
  16. Select the Save button.

Process Complete.


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