9.2 Search for Job Openings
Purpose: Use this document as a reference to search for job openings that meet the criteria a user specifies in ctcLink.
Audience: HR Administrators and HR Specialists.
You must have at least one of these local college managed security roles:
- ZZ Hiring Manager
- ZZ Interested Party
- ZZ Recruiter
- ZZ Recruiting Admin Local
If you need assistance with the above security roles, please contact your local college supervisor or IT Admin to request role access.
There are a large variety of options to choose from on this page.
The only search criteria field with a default value is the Status field, which is set to search for job openings in an Open status. To search across all status, select the Blank list item at the top of the Status field.
A user can also search based on how recently the job opening has had activity.
A user can limit a search to either standard requisitions or continuous job openings.
A user can search for jobs that have been designated a hot job. These jobs are associated with special employee referral awards.
A user can limit a search to job openings that are associated to a user.
A job is assigned to a user under these circumstances:
- if a user is the primary hiring manager or primary recruiter.
- if a user created it,
- or a user is on the hiring team (recruiter, hiring manager, interviewer, or interested party).
The Hiring Manager, Recruiter, and Created By fields enable a user to search for jobs based on the members of their hiring teams.
Additional search fields include Business Unit, Department, Position Number, and Recruitment Contact.
The criteria from the user's previous search is retained. If a user wants to perform a different search, they use can select the Clear button to clear out most of the search criteria fields.
Searching for Job Openings
Navigation: NavBar > Navigator > Recruiting > Search Job Openings
- The Search Job Openings search page displays. Enter as much or as little criteria as needed.
- Select a Status value from the drop-down menu.
- Select a Job Opening Type value from the drop-down menu.
- Select a Hot Job value from the drop-down menu.
- Select a My Association value from the drop-down menu.
- Select a Jobs Created by me value from the drop-down menu.
- Select the Search button.

- The Search Results displays summary information about the job openings that meet your criteria.
- When a user performs a search, the search criteria fields are hidden. To access these fields, select the arrow next to the Search Criteria section. This enables you to review your criteria and make any needed changes until you get the results you want.
- Select the job title link in the Job Opening column.
- The Manage Job Opening page displays. The user can manage the job opening and its applicants.
- Review the results of this search.

- The process to search for job openings is now complete.
- End of procedure.
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