9.2 Managing and Finalizing Interviews
Purpose: Use this document as a reference to manage and finalize outstanding interviews.
Audience: HR Administrators & HR Specialists.
You must have at least one of these local college managed security roles:
- ZZ Hiring Manager
- ZZ Recruiter
- ZZ Recruiting Admin Local
If you need assistance with the above security roles, please contact your local college supervisor or IT Admin to request role access.
Managing and Finalizing Interviews
Navigation: NavBar > Navigator > Recruiting > Search Applications
- The Search Applications page displays.
- Use the Search Applications page to search recruiting records based on a combination of applicant and job opening criteria.
- A user can search using any combination of fields in the Search Criteria group box.
- Enter applicable search criteria.
- Select the Search button.

- The Search Results page displays.
- The grid includes at least one row for each applicant that meets a users search criteria. If the applicant has applied for multiple jobs, a row exists for each job. If the applicant has submitted an application that is not associated with a job opening, a row exists for that as well. Locate the row for the job opening which should be recorded for final interviewer recommendations; this will have the disposition 060 Interview.
- Select the Manage Interviews icon for the applicable row.
- The Manage Interviews page displays.
- Use the Manage Interviews page to review summary data about existing interviews and evaluations and to enter a final recommendation for an interview.
- The top section of the page provides information about the applicant and job opening.
- The Final Recommendation group box contains a field for making a final recommendation.
- The Interview Evaluations grid displays existing interview evaluations and enables you to create additional ones.
- The Interview Details grid provides information about the interview and provides a link to edit interview details.
- The Edit Interview Schedule link provides access to the Interview Schedule page where you can modify the interview schedule and add additional interviews.
- Make applicable updates where needed.
- Select the Save button.
- The process to manage and finalize interviews is now complete.
- End of Procedure.