9.2 Creating an Applicant

Purpose: Use this document as a reference for how to create External and Internal applicants and link them to a job opening in ctcLink.

Audience: Internal Applicants, HR Staff.

You must have at least one of these local college managed security roles:

  • ZZ HCM Manager
  • ZZ Hiring Manager
  • ZZ Recruiter

If you need assistance with the above security roles, please contact your local college supervisor or IT Admin to request role access.

Creating an Applicant

Navigation:  Recruiting > Create Applicant

  1. The Create Applicant page displays.
  2. Select the appropriate Applicant Type from the drop-down menu.
  3. Select the appropriate Preferred Contact from the drop-down menu. (Screen shot below shows partial page).
  4. Note: If you are creating an Internal Applicant you will need to enter the Employee ID. This will auto-populate the additional fields necessary to Biographical information (Name, Address, Email, and Phone Numbers).

Personal Information Tab

  1. From the Name section, select English in the Name Format field.
  2. Select the Prefix, if applicable.
  3. Type the person's first name in the First Name field. *Required
  4. Type the person's middle name (full or initial) in the Middle Name field.
  5. Type the person's last name in the Last Name field. *Required
  6. Select the Suffix, if applicable.
  7. In the Address section: The Country field will default to United States, change if applicable.
  8. Type the street address in the Address 1 line.
  9. Enter the City Name in the City field.
  10. Select the State from the drop-down menu.
  11. Enter the County Name in the County field.
  12. In the Applicant Status section: The Status Code will default to Active, change if needed.
  13. Select the Status Reason from the drop-down menu.
  14. The Status Date will default today's date, change if needed.
  15. Select the Email Type from the drop-down menu.
  16. Enter the email address in the Email Address field.
  17. Select Add Email Address button to add additional addresses.
  18. Select the Primary checkbox.

Note: The Primary indicator box must always be checked.

  1. Select the Phone Type from the drop-down menu.
  2. Enter the 10 digit phone number in the Telephone field.
  3. Select the Primary check box.
  4. Note: The Extension and Country Code fields are optional.
  5. Select the Save button.

Note: After you SAVE, the applicant will be assigned an Applicant ID and a new tab titled "Applications" will appear.

Applications Tab

  1. Select the Applications tab.
  2. Select the Edit icon OR Add Application button.
  3. Select the lookup icon in the Job Opening ID field to select the appropriate job to link the applicant to.
  4. Select a Job Family from the drop-down menu.
  5. Enter the Personal Information.
  6. Enter the Preferences.  Preferences are optional and can be left for the applicant to complete on their own.  
  7. Note: If the applicant is an existing employee the Personal Information section will auto-populate with the existing data in Biographical Information.
  8. Enter the Resume Title (this is a free text field).
  9. Select the Attach Resume button to upload an electronic copy of the resume OR expand the No Resume Text field to enter free text.
  10. Select the Add Attachments button to upload Cover Letters, References, etc.
  11. Select the Add Work Experience to add the applicant's work history.
  12. Select the appropriate Highest Education Level.
  13. Note: If the applicant is an existing employee the Highest Education Level section will auto-populate with the existing data in Biographical Information.
  1. Enter any additional qualifications, if applicable (Trainings, Degrees, etc).
  2. Note: The following fields are optional during this process:
    1. Training
    2. Areas of Study
    3. Competencies
    4. Degrees
    5. School Education, etc.
  3. Select the Save button (At bottom of screen).
  4. Select the Return button (At bottom of screen).

References Tab

Note: References can be added this time or at a later date.

Eligibility and Identity Tab

The Eligibility and Identity Information will be entered during the Manage Hires process.

The process to create an applicant is now complete.



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