9.2 Hire an Applicant from TAM
Purpose: Use this document to go through the process of hiring an applicant from TAM.
Audience: HR/Hiring Staff.
You must have at least one of these local college managed security roles:
- ZC HR Employee Maintenance
- ZZ HR Employee Maintenance
- ZZ SS Workforce Administrator
If you need assistance with the above security roles, please contact your local college supervisor or IT Admin to request role access.
Hire an Applicant from TAM
Navigation: NavBar > Navigator > Workforce Administration > Personal Information > Manage Hires
- The Manage Hires page displays.
- Select Type of Hire in the Select Transactions Where field.
- Hire option is pre-populated in the Equals field; change if needed.
- Select the Refresh button.
- Select the Name of person to be hired.

View/Edit Person
- The Manage Hires Detail page displays.
- All fields in the job section will be pre-populated from the Job Opening and Job Offer except the Empl ID if the applicant is not a former employee or student.
- Change the Desired Start Date, if needed.
- For a Type of Hire = Hire.
- Leave the default for Org Instance to Create new Org Instance.
- For Employment Record, leave the default to Create New Assignment.
- If the applicant is a current or former student/employee, the option to View/Edit Person is available, to view and edit the existing Personal Data.
- Select the Add Job button and follow instructions from the Add Job Data section below.

Add Person
- If the applicant is not a current or former student/employee, change the Desired Start Date, if needed.
- Type of Hire = Hire.
- Leave the default for Org Instance to Create new Org Instance.
- For Employment Record, leave the default to Create New Assignment.
- Select the Add Person button.

- The Biographical Details tab displays.
- The fields will be populated with data from Recruiting Solutions.
- The name will display. Select the Edit Name button to edit if needed.
- The Effective Date field will default to the Desired Start Date from the Manage Hires page. Leave as is or change if needed.
- Enter the employee's Date of Birth.
- If the applicant entered the Gender on the application it will default. If not, the field will be blank; enter the employee's Gender.
- If the applicant entered the Highest Education Level on the application, it will default. If not, the field will be blank; enter the employee's Highest Education Level.
- Select the employee's Marital Status.
- Select the Language Code.
- Enter the employee's National ID (Social Security Number).
- Select the Contact Information tab.

- The Contact Information page displays.
- If the applicant entered Contact Information on their application, the information will be populated. Validate and/or enter the Address.
- Validate and/or enter the Phone Type.
- Validate and/or enter the Email Address.
- Select the Regional tab.

- The Regional tab displays.
- If the employee entered their Ethnicity information on the application, the information will default. Validate and/or select the Ethnicity.
- If the employee entered their Military Status on application, the information will default. Validate and/or select the Military Status.
- Select the Organizational Relationships tab.

- The Organizational Relationships page displays.
- Use the Organizational Relationships page to select an organizational relationship and checklist for this person. The type of Organizational Relationship is defaulted from the Recruiting Solutions module.
- Select the Add Relationship button to save the data on this component.

- The Manage Hires page displays.
- Use the Work Location page to specify information abut the employee's job such as the:
- position
- regulatory region
- company
- department
- location
- The Effective Date defaults to the Desired Start Date from the Manage Hires page.
- The Job Indicator field specifies whether the job is a primary or secondary job. Retain the default value.
- The Action/Reason fields define the action and reason associated with this job record It defaults to Hire for a new record. Accept Hire for Action and enter New Hire for Reason.
- The Position Number, Company, Business Unit, Department and Location fields will default from Recruiting.
- Select the Job Information tab.

- The Job Information page displays.
- Use the Job Information page to specify information about an employee's job, such as job code, employment status, employee class, shift, and standard hours. These fields are defaulted from Recruiting.
- Enter Supervisor ID.
- Enter Employee Class.
- Select the Job Labor tab.

- The Job Labor tab displays.
- Select Bargaining Unit.
- Select the Payroll tab.

- The Payroll tab displays.
- Use the Payroll page to enter employee payroll processing data. The payroll system and pay group information specified on this page affect the compensation processing.
- The Payroll System field identifies the payroll application associated with PeopleSoft HRMS at this site. Update the Absence System from Other to Absence Management.
- Select Pay Group from list.
- The Tax Location Code field identifies the tax base associated with this employee. This will default after Pay Group is selected . Employee Type field will default from Pay Group.
- Select the Salary Plan tab.

- The Salary Plan page displays.
- The Salary Plan value will default.
- Choose a Step to place the employee in, where applicable.
- Select the Compensation tab.

- The Compensation tab displays.
- Use the Compensation page to specify the compensation date of an employee.
- If you do not select the Default Pay Components button on this page after updating relevant job data fields, a warning message will be displayed when you attempt to save the new record.
- Select the Default Pay Components button.
- Select the Rate Code field. Enter the desired information into the Rate Code field.
- Select the Comp Rate field. Enter the desired information into the Comp Rate field.
- Use the Calculate Compensation to calculate an employee's compensation.
- Select the Employment Data link.

Employment Information
- The Employment Information page displays.
- Select the Time Reporter Data link.
- The Time and Labor Data pagelet displays.
- Enter the Effective Date.
- Select the appropriate Time Reporter Type.
- Select the Time Template (Elapsed or Punched).
- Select the appropriate Work Group.
- Select the CTC Taskgroup Non Commit Acct.
- Select OK.

- The Employment Information page displays.
- Select the Benefits Program Participation link on bottom of page.
Benefits Program Participation
- The Benefit Program Participation page displays.
- Enter Benefit Record Number = Enter your company code.
- Select the applicable Benefit Program.
- Select Apply.
- Select Save.

- The process to hire an applicant from TAM is now complete.
- End of procedure.
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