9.2 Entering Applicant References

Purpose: Use this document to enter applicant references in ctcLink.

Audience: Human Resources/Recruiting Specialists, Hiring Managers, and Supervisors.

You must have at least one of these local college managed security roles:

  • ZZ HCM Manager
  • ZZ Hiring Manager
  • ZZ Recruiter
  • ZZ Recruiting Admin Local

If you need assistance with the above security roles, please contact your local college supervisor or IT Admin to request role access.

Use the Search Applicants to locate the record for a specific applicant.

Applicants that you enter into the system are not considered your applicants unless they are associated with a job opening where you are either the originator or part of the hiring team.

Entering Applicant References

Navigation: Recruiting > Search Applicants

  1. The Search Applicants page displays.
  2. Deselect the Search My Applicants option.
  3. You can search using any combination of fields on the Applicant Search group box. Enter any desired information into the search fields.
  4. Select the Search button.

The Search Results grid includes at least one row for each applicant that meets your search criteria. If the applicant has applied for multiple hobs, a row exists for each job. If the applicant has submitted an application that is not associated with a job opening, a row exists for that as well.

  1. Locate the row for the job opening for which you are entering references, and select the applicant's name.
  2. The Manage Applicant page displays.
  3. Use the page to view and update many types of information about job applicants.

Initially, the lower part of the page displays the Applicant Activity grid, where you can see the applicant's current disposition for all job openings.

The Applicant Data tab is where you can access the applicant record, including applicant references.

  1. Select the Applicant Data tab.
  2. The Applicant Data tab displays.
  3. The Personal Information tab defaults.
  4. In order to access information about the applicant's references, select the References link.
  5. Select the Add Reference button.
  6. The Reference Details pagelet displays.
  7. Use the Reference Details page to enter reference information for an applicant.
  8. Use the Date Contacted field to record the date which you spoke to the reference. The default is the current date.
  9. Select the Reference Type list and choose the correct reference type from the drop-down menu. References can be Personal, Professional, or Both.
  10. Enter the desired information into the Reference Name field using the Last Name,First Name format.
  11. Enter the desired information into the Title field.
  12. Enter the desired information into the Employer field.
  13. Enter the desired information into the Country field.
  14. To add a complete address, select the Edit Address button.
  15. Enter the desired information into the Contact Phone field using the 1234567890 format.
  16. Enter the desired information into the Comments field.
  17. Select the OK button.
  18. The Manage Applicant page displays.
  19. The newly added reference now appears in the References grid.
  20. You can edit the reference name, title, and employer directly in the grid. To make any other changes select the pencil icon, or the Edit Reference link.
  21. Select the Save button.

You have successfully entered an applicant reference.


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