9.2 Generate Dynamic Class Dates
Purpose: Use this document as a reference for generating dynamic class dates via Fluid and standard navigation in ctcLink.
Audience: Curriculum Management staff.
You must have at least one of these local college managed security roles:
- ZC CM Class Builder
- ZC CM Course Catalog
- ZD CM Course Catalog
- ZD CM Course and Class Inquiry
- ZD CM Local Configuration
- ZZ CM Course Catalog
- ZZ CM Local Configuration
If you need assistance with the above security roles, please contact your local college supervisor or IT Admin to request role access.
Please note, classes with existing enrollment will NOT be updated by running this process. If a class has existing enrollment, you will need to trigger calculation for that class section using the following QRG 9.2 Dynamic Dates and Specific Class Sections.
If your college's adjustment calendar is set to calculate dynamic dates, run the query QCS_CM_DYN_DATES_CALC_INFO. This query gives 100% and 50% refund dates for each DYN class. It uses the class start/end date from the class schedule and the percentages in the adjustment calendar to calculate.
Generate Dynamic Class Dates
Navigation Tile: ctcLink CS Staff Homepage > Curriculum Management Tile
- The Curriculum Management page displays.
- Expand the Class Scheduling menu on the left.
- Select the Generate Dynamic Class Dates sub-menu list item.
Navigation: NavBar > Navigator > Curriculum Management > Dynamic Dates > Generate Dynamic Class Dates
- The Generate Dynamic Class Dates run control ID search page displays.
- If you do not have Run Control built, select the Add New Value tab.
- Enter Run Control ID.
- Select Add.

- The Generate Dynamic Class Dates page displays.
- Enter Academic Institution.
- Enter Term.
- Enter the optional values as needed. Leave blank to select all classes:
- Class Nbr
- Session
- Academic Organization
- Campus
- Subject Area
- Catalog Number From
- Catalog Number To
- Class Start From
- Class Start To
- The Obey Dynamic Data Cal Required checkbox defaults as check. Uncheck this box.
- Select Save.
- Select Run.
- The Process Scheduler Request page displays.
- Select the checkbox for the Dynamic Date Generation (SRDYNDAT) process. Please refer to the Process Scheduling QRG for further instructions.
- After the process completes, verify its results. Please refer to the Class Section Dynamic Dates (Fluid) QRG for further instructions.
- Process complete.
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