9.2 Revising Awards
Purpose: Use this document as a reference for how to Revise an Award in ctcLink.
Audience: FA Counselor/Technician.
You must have at least one of these local college managed security roles:
- ZD FA Award Processing
- ZD FA Director
- ZZ FA Award Processing
- ZZ FA Award Processor
If you need assistance with the above security roles, please contact your local college supervisor or IT Admin to request role access.
Revising Awards
Navigation: NavBar > Navigator > Financial Aid > Awards > Award Processing > Assign Awards to a Student
- The Award Entry search page displays.
- Enter Student ID.
- Enter the Academic Institution.
- Enter the Aid Year - use the Aid Year in which you are processing.
- Select the Search button.

- The Student Aid Package tab displays.

- For this example, we'll revise the student's Opportunity Grant Books award from $400 to $500.
- From the Student Aid Package tab, update the Action field to 'O' for offered.
- Update the Offered field to $500.00.
- Select Validate.

- The validation Message box displays.
- Select the OK button.

- The Student Aid Package tab displays.
- Select the Post button.

- The posting Message box displays.
- Select the OK button.

- The process to revise awards is now complete.
- End of procedure.
Mary Witters
Why does the $ amount in the 'accepted' field change from 400.00 to $0.00 after you validate & post? Shouldn't it stay at $400, or change to $500?
Kelly Forsberg
Hi Mary, Great question! When you "Offer" an Award, even as an increase, it populates the change in the "Offered" column only until the student goes into Self-Service and "accepts" the award. Once the student "Accepts" the award, it will display as such in the "Accepted" column on the Award Page. Conversely, if you "B" (Offer/Accept) the award, the amount will display in both the "Offered" and "Accepted" column. Some awards should be "B"d (Offered/Accepted) and some awards should be "O"d (Offered) -- for instance, an unsub loan should be "O"d , and a Pell grant should be "B"d. The Financial Aid Director or Workforce (for OG) should be deciding how they want to Offer specific awards to ensure they are expended in a timely manner, but you also want to give the student the option on whether or not to accept or decline the award. Thanks for your great question! -Kelly Forsberg, ctcLink Functional Trainer (Financial Aid)
Dawn Williams
How do I change the disbursement plan once I've posted an award? I tried and received a message saying: "The disbursement plan for this award differs from the disbursement plan of a prior award for this item type. You must either change the Disbursement Plan of the new award or modify the prior award."
Kelly Forsberg
Hi Dawn, thanks for reaching out. I am emailing you directly to offer some help. I need to see the example you're working with. Thanks! -Kelly Forsberg, ctcLink Functional Trainer (Financial Aid)