Communications - Assign and Send PeopleSoft Communications (3C Engine and Communication Generation)

Purpose: This document is a reference for assigning and sending ctcLink communications.

Audience: College staff responsible for assigning and sending communications.

You must have at least one of these local college-managed security roles:

3C Engine

  • ZC CC 3Cs User
  • ZZ CC 3Cs User

Communication Generation

  • ZC CC 3Cs User
  • ZD CC 3Cs User
  • ZZ CC 3Cs User

If you need assistance with the above security roles, please contact your local college supervisor or IT Admin to request role access.

You also need to set SACR Security permissions:

The communications setup process must be completed before running the Communication Generation process. Users that are running ctcLink communications will need to gather the following details/recommendations from their on-campus Communication Builders (users that are responsible for maintaining and configuring ctcLink communication data):

  • 3C Engine Event ID with Administrative Function
  • 3C Engine Population Selection Query Name
  • 3C Engine Duplicate Management recommendation
  • Communication Generation ID Selection parameter (All IDs, Population Selection Query Name, etc.)
  • Communication Generation Name/Address usage requirements
  • Communication Generation Email Parameters

Assign Communications: 3C Engine

Run Control ID Search Page

Navigation: Campus Community > 3C Engine > Run 3C Engine

Running the 3C Engine will assign the ctcLink communication to students defined in the population selected by the process.  

  1. The 3C Engine Run Control ID search page displays.
  2. If you have run this process or report in the past, select the Find an Existing Value tab to enter an existing Run Control ID and select the Search button. If this is the first time running this process or report, select the Add a New Value tab to create a new Run Control ID and select the Add button. 
  3. NOTE: It is important to note that Run Control IDs cannot be deleted. Do not include spaces in your Run Control. We encourage the Run Control ID to have the same process naming convention but unique to the step; because of this, including your institution code and a short process description in the Run Control ID is recommended--e.g., WA220_ADM_FYR_5 (Admissions Letter, Summer, FYR Admit Type).
3C Engine Parameters Tab

Process 3Cs

  1. On the 3C Engine Parameters tab, select one of the Process 3C's parameters:
  2. Population Selection - A query, external file, or equation can be used to identify students.
  3. Trigger Table - This selection requires the user to set up a 3C Engine Trigger. Visit the QRG 3C Engine -Trigger Definitions for more information.
  4. Mass Change - This selection requires the setup of a Mass Change definition.

Process Join Records

  1. ctcLink Campus Solutions enables you to communicate jointly with individuals at a shared address rather than producing separate communications for each individual. For example, you can invite a married couple or two roommates to an event by sending a single invitation to their joint address.
    • No - Select this option if you do not want to apply joint communication rules to this process.
    • All Joint IDs - Select this option to apply joint communication rules and include all communications set to enable joint communications.
    • If a match exists - Select this option to apply joint communication rules and include joint communications only when dates in the variable data fields match.

Event Selection

  1. Enter or look up the Academic Institution.
  2. Enter the correct Administrative Function.
  3. Enter or lookup the Event ID for the appropriate communication--Example:  "ACAADMACP" for Gen Admissions Accept.

Population Selection

  1. Selection Tool. Select Equation Engine, External File, or PS Query.
  2. Query Name. The value is determined by the selection tool used. Edit query prompts if applicable.
  3. Select the Preview Selection Results link to view selection results.

Video Tutorial

Below is a video demonstrating the steps described above; audio is not included. Select the "Play" icon to start the video.

View Tutorial Via Panopto

Click the external link to view the 3C Engine Parameters video in another tab or window.

Manage Duplicate Assignment Tab

The Manage Duplicate Assignment tab prevents duplicate checklists and communications from being assigned. This set up looks at all of the students in your population selection query/ file AND also looks to see if they have been assigned a communication with matching variable data. If they have not been assigned a communication with matching variable data, the 3C Engine will assign it when it runs.

This is the recommend setup for almost all 3C Engine processes because it makes it easier to assign communications only to those students who have not been assigned a communication yet, without having to manage complicated population selection query/ file. Additionally, it prevents unwanted duplicate communication assignments.

This will not work if you’re communication uses the GEN administrative function. GEN does not have any variable data. If you’re using GEN, use a population selection query/ file that only lists the students who need your communication.

  1. The Manage Duplicate Assignment tab displays.
  2. Check Duplicate Communication: Select this checkbox if you want the assignment process to check for duplicate communications assigned.
  3. Variable Data:  Select one of the following options:
    1. "Match": Prevents assignment when a communication matches a previously assigned communication with the same variable data. 
      1. Example: A Student has already received an admission letter for the selected application; this prevents an admission letter from being assigned to the student again. If the student submitted a second application, the student WOULD get a second admissions letter because the process recognizes this as a new application submitted.  
    2. "Do Not Match":  Prevents assignment when a communication matches a previously assigned communication and the variable data are different.
      1. Example: A Student has already received an admission letter for an application. This prevents an admission letter from being assigned to the student again. If the student submitted a second application, the student WOULD NOT get a second admissions letter because the process recognizes that the student has already received an admissions letter regardless of how many applications the student may submit.
  4. Communication Status: Select one of the following options:
    1. "Completed": Prevents assignment when the communication matches a previously assigned communication for which the status is completed.
      1. Example: A Student has already been assigned an admissions letter for an application, the Communication Generation process has been run, and the Communication Management page shows the status as completed. Working in connection with the selection for variable data above, the student would not be assigned a new admissions letter for this application.
    2. "Not Completed":  Prevents assignment when the communication matches a previously assigned communication for which the status is NOT completed.
      1. Example: A Student has already been assigned an admissions letter for an application, and the Communication Generation process has been run, but the Communication Management page shows the status as NOT completed. Working in connection with selecting the variable data above, the student WOULD be assigned a new admissions letter for this application.
  5. Check Duplicate Checklist: Select this checkbox if you want the assignment process to check for duplicate checklists assigned.
  6. Variable Data: Select one of the following options:
    1. "Match": Prevents assignment when a checklist matches a previously assigned list with the same variable data. 
      1. Example: A Student has already been assigned an admissions checklist for an application; this prevents the same list from being assigned to the student again. If the student submitted a second application, the student WOULD get a second admissions checklist because the process recognizes this as a new application submitted.  
    2. "Do Not Match":  Prevents assignment when a checklist matches a previously assigned list, and the variable data are different. 
      1. Example: A Student has already been assigned an admission checklist for an application. This prevents an admission checklist from being assigned to the student again. If the student submitted a second application, the student WOULD NOT get a second admissions checklist because the process recognizes that the student has already been assigned an admissions checklist regardless of how many applications the student may submit.
  7. Checklist Status: Select one of the following options:
    1. "Completed": Prevents assignment when the checklist matches a previously assigned list for which the status was set to 'Completed.'
      1. Example: A Student has already been assigned an admissions checklist for an application, and the list and all checklist items have been completed. Working in connection with the selection for variable data above, the student would not be assigned a new admissions checklist for this application.
    2. "Initiated": Prevents assignment when the checklist matches a previously assigned list for which the status was set to 'Initiated.'
      1. Example: A Student has already been assigned an admissions checklist for an application, and the list and all checklist items have NOT been completed. Working in connection with the selection for variable data above, the student WOULD be assigned a new admissions checklist for this application.
  8. Select Run. Visit the QRG Process Scheduling for more information.

Communication statuses can be COMPLETED, but the process may have been unsuccessful due to other errors. To review unsuccessful communications after running both the 3C Engine Process AND the Communication Generation Process, it is recommended to run the query CTC_COMMUNICATION_LIST_BY_DATE.

Video Tutorial

The video below demonstrates the process actions described in the steps listed above. There is no audio included with this video. Select the play button to start the video.

View Tutorial Via Panopto

View the external link to Manage Duplicate Assignment. This link will open in a new tab/window.

Send Communications: Communication Generation

Communication must be assigned before you can set up the Communication Generation process. Thoroughly test the 3C Engine process and CommGen processes in PCD:

  1. Test the 3C Engine and CommGen processes in PCD.
  2. Make sure queries pick up the correct students. Additionally, selecting "All Person IDs" will pull up every student that has the assigned letter code that need to have their communication sent to them.
  3. Ensure duplicates are not assigned (unless that is your intention).
  4. Make certain Communication Management previews are accurate.
  5. It is impossible to send emails outside of PCD; check the Communication Management page of each student to ensure that communications are assigned.
  6. Recurring communications can automate scheduled tasks, reducing manual effort during anticipated events. For details, visit QRG Set Up Recurrences for Jobs.
Run Control ID Search Page

Navigation: Campus Community > Communications > Communication Generation

  1. The Communication Generation Run Control ID search page displays.
  2. If you have run this process or report in the past, select the Find an Existing Value tab to enter an existing Run Control ID and select the Search button. If this is the first time running this process or report, select the Add a New Value tab to create a new Run Control ID and select the Add button. 
  3. NOTE: It is important to note that Run Control IDs cannot be deleted. Do not include spaces in your Run Control. We encourage the Run Control ID to have the same process naming convention but unique to the step; because of this, including your institution code and a short process description in the Run Control ID is recommended--e.g., WA220_COMMGEN.
Selection Parameters Tab
  1. The Selection Parameters tab displays.
  2. ID Selection:  Select the appropriate communication recipients.
    1. All IDs: All person and organization IDs system-wide. (Rarely used)
    2. All Org IDs: This will select all organization IDs system-wide. (Rarely used)
    3. All Person IDs: All person and organization IDs system-wide. (Common)
    4. One Org ID: Opens a box to input a single Organization ID. (Rarely used)
    5. One Person ID: Opens a box to input a single Person ID. (Common)
    6. Population Selection: Selects a Population using a query, equation engine, or external file load (Common)
      1. Equation Engine: (Rarely used).
        1. Equations are set up at the system level; contact a ctcLink system administrator for assistance.
        2. The look-up menu for the Equation Name displays available equation engine names.
      2. External File: (Common).
        1. Create a . CSV file using Excel:
          1. Open an Excel Spreadsheet.
          2. Enter ctcLink student IDs with one ID per cell in a single column.
          3. Save the Excel file as a . CSV.
    7. Select Upload File and browse for the file created in the previous steps.
    8. Select the Create File Mapping link to map the uploaded file.
      1. Enter the name of the mapping criteria in the File Mapping field.
      2. If the file has no Header Row, leave the checkbox and Header Row Number field blank.
  3. Select the Create File Mapping link to map the uploaded file.
    1. Enter the field number of the column containing the student IDs to allow the process to read the data only from that column.
  4. Select OK.
    1. PS Query: (Common)
      1. Look up the appropriate query name (only queries valid for the specific process are available).
      2. If Prompt values are required in the query, Select the Edit Prompts link and input the necessary values.

When using a PS Query, running the Query in Query Manager/Viewer or selecting the Preview Selection Results to verify that the IDs that will have the communication generated are as expected.

  1. Letter Code.
    1. Only letter codes set up for the Communication Generation process and currently assigned to the specified IDs are available in the Letter Code field. Letter Codes are set up at the system level; contact a ctcLink system administrator for assistance.
    2. Enter the Letter code and tab out of the field.
      1. Based on the letter code selected, the Template selection will display the details for generating communication.
  2. No Matching Template Found.
    1. If there is no template in the selected language, the selection made in this field determines how the system will handle this communication generation. For example, suppose the chosen language is German, and no template is written in German. In that case, the system will either not produce the communication (it will show as an error) or use the default template, which is likely in English, depending on the selection made.
  3. Communication Language Usage.
    1. Specified (default)
    2. Language: English (default)
  4. Communication Method Usage. 
    1. Specified (default)
    2. Method: Select based on the Method identified in the communication configuration. Most delivered communications are set to E-Mail.
  5. Select the Process Parameters tab.

Video Tutorial

The video below demonstrates the process actions described in the steps listed above. There is no audio included with this video. Select the play button to start the video.

View Tutorial Via Panopto

View the external link to Communication Generation - Selection Parameters Tab. This link will open in a new tab/window.

Process Parameters Tab
  1. The Process Parameters tab displays.
  2. Usage Tables
    1. Person Communication Usage:  These selections are connected to Name/Address Usage rules.
      1. Select the Address, Address Name, Salutation, and Extra Name usage for the communication being sent.
      2. Joint Salutation Usage:  Not used
      3. Org Communication Usage: This is needed in cases where an organization ID could be included in the selection. Select based on Org and Name usage.  

Usage selection for address is connected to the method being sent. For example, If the communication method is Email, an Email usage like Student Email should be selected from the drop-down menu.

  1.  Communication Processing Dates:  
    1.  Communication Date Range Selection:  The process will only pick up Communications assigned to ID during the date range specified.
    2. Update Communication Generation Date With: This selection updates the date the communication was assigned with the selection specified.
    3. Update Communication Completion Date With: This selection updates the date the communication was sent with the selection specified.
    4. Date Options Defined
      1. Communication Date: Select the date the communication was assigned in the system.
      2. System Date: The current date.
      3. User Supplied Date: Opens a box to enter a custom date.
  2. Output Settings: Used mostly for hard-copy communications.
    1. Sort option: For hard copy communications, specify the print order for mailing.
    2. Online Preview: View the output in Report Manager. Visit the QRG Communications: Generate an Online Preview for more information.
      1. If the communication method is Email, an Email address box will appear to enter a test address to preview the email.
    3. Send to File: Saves the generated letter communications as a single file.
      1. When selected, the File Path field appears. Specify the server file path location to send the file.
    4. Send to Printer: Sends letter communications directly to the printer.
      1. When selected, the Destination Printer field appears to enter a printer path.
    5. Create Envelopes/Labels: Print envelopes or labels for the communication.
      1. When selected, the Report Name link appears. You must choose the report definition for the Communication Generation process to use.

Note: If Preview Online or Send to Printer is not selected, the communication is generated as soon as the process runs. The process sends the email to the specified IDs if the transmission is an email.

  1. Missing Critical Data: Check the box for the process to produce and/or complete the communication, even if critical data is missing.
    1. For example, if the method is email but the student is missing an email address, it will Produce the communication, which is attached as a PDF on the Communication Management page.  This PDF can then be printed and mailed to the student.
  2. Select the Email Parameters tab.

Video Tutorial

The video below demonstrates the process actions described in the steps listed above. There is no audio included with this video. Select the play button to start the video.

View Tutorial Via Panopto

View the external link to Communication Generation - Process Parameters Tab. This link will open in a new tab/window.

Email Parameters Tab
  1. The Email Parameters tab displays.
  2. They are only used when Email is the communication method selected on the Selection Parameters tab.
    1. From:  Enter the email address of the person or entity sending the Email. (e.g. [email protected]).
    2. Subject: Email topic.
    3. Reply to: Reply to email addresses must be valid. When the recipient replies to the sender, this email address will appear. It overrides the From email address. 
    4. Sender: Enter the email address of the person or entity sending the Email. (e.g. [email protected])
    5. Bounce to: If the Email is undeliverable, this is the email address that will receive the Email.
    6. In the Importance and Sensitivity group boxes, select the appropriate options.
  3. Select the Checklist Parameters tab.

Video Tutorial

The video below demonstrates the process actions described in the steps listed above. There is no audio included with this video. Select the play button to start the video.

View Tutorial Via Panopto

View the external link to Communication Generation - Email Parameters Tab. This link will open in a new tab/window.

Checklist Parameters Tab
  1. The Checklist Parameters tab displays.
  2. Checklist Parameters are used when checklist items are extracted as a part of the communication being sent.
    1. Administrative Function: Select one or more checklist types by selecting the Add a New Row [+] button.
    2. Checklist Context:
      1. Checklist Type: Enter the types of checklists from which the process should extract data for this letter or email.
      2. Tracking Group: Enter the tracking group codes with checklist item data that should be extracted for this letter or email.
      3. Checklist Code: Enter the specific checklist codes with checklist item data that should be extracted for this letter or email.
    3. Checklist Item Status: Select an appropriate value (e.g., Active). Multiple statuses can be selected by selecting the Add a New Row [+] button.
  3. Select Run. Visit the QRG Process Scheduling for more information.

If the Run Status for the Communication Generation process is Error, review the log file to determine the cause of the errors. Once the error has been resolved, users DO NOT need to re-assign communications with the 3C Engine process. Users will want to run the Reset Communications process to clear the errors from the Process Instance and re-run the Communication Generation process to send the communications.

Individual communications can be viewed on the Communication Management page. It will display as shown in the image below, except with the parameters and dates specified based on what was entered in the steps above.

  1. Process complete.


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