9.2 Reconciling P-Card Transactions/Statements

Purpose: Use this document as a reference for reconciling P-Card transactions/statements in ctcLink.

Audience:  Purchasing staff and Cardholders

You must have at least one of these local college managed security roles:

  • ZZ Procurement Card Processing

If you need assistance with the above security roles, please contact your local college supervisor or IT Admin to request role access.

Reconciling P-Card Transactions/Statements

Navigation: Purchasing > Procurement Cards > Reconcile > Reconcile PCard Statement

  1. The Reconcile Statement Search page displays.
  2. Enter Search Criteria to identify your transactions/statement.
  3. Select the Search button.

NOTE: Less is more. Using the minimal amount of data to get to the transactions that need to be reconciled is best in this search menu. Recommend using Role Name and Dates and not name or other fields if reconciling own transactions as the reconciler. The Employee ID and Name fields refer to the user assigned as the cardholder in the Cardholder Profile.

TIP: When searching by Card Number, use the % (or wild card) and the last 3 digits of the card number, i.e. %515.

Reconcile PCard Statement search page

Note: User should have correct roles as part of their User Profiles to view transactions. User should also have correct Proxy to the credit card. 

  1. The Procurement Card Transactions page displays.  Use it to review, manage, and approve procurement card transactions loaded by the Load Statement process. You can view all of the procurement card transactions that you have been granted authority to access on the Cardholder Profile - Card Data: Assign Proxies page.

Note:  All transactions with a ChartField Status of “Recycle” must be corrected and have a “Valid” status before any changes in the Reconcile Statement screen can be Saved or an error message will display.

If any of the transactions in “Recycle” status cannot be corrected immediately, then it may be helpful to revise the Reconcile Statement search parameters to exclude those transactions from displaying in the screen until they can be addressed.

Procurement Card Transactions page

APPROVERS/REVIEWERS: Please refer to the QRG Marking P-Card Transaction Attachments Reviewed. Use the checkbox for Attachment Reviewed on P-CARD reconciliation screen for the Administrator, Approver, and Reviewer proxy roles. This option is a global change, used at the discretion of the college’s business practices.

select the billing tab
  1. Select the Billing tab. Use the Description field to enter additional information about the goods purchased.
  2. The Billing Amount field displays the amount billed on the statement line.
  3. If your records disagree with the billing amount, enter the amount difference in the Dispute Amount field. This does not mean that your organization is not liable for the purchase, but rather acts as a notation that the user reconciling this account must follow up with the merchant or procurement card supplier to settle the disputed amount. If you enter an amount, the statement line is visible on the Review Disputes - Dispute page until it has been identified as collected.
  4. The Credit Collected option displays the status of the disputed amount. If clear, the dispute is still open. If selected, the dispute has been identified as collected or closed on the Review Disputes - Dispute page.
  5. Select the Transaction tab.
  1. The Transaction tab displays. Select the Line Details icon to view the details of the transaction.
Transaction tab
  1. The ProCard VISA Trans Details window displays.  Use it to review the transaction details.  The information on this page will differ depending on the type of card used for the transaction.
  2. Select Return.
Pro Card VISA Trans Details window
  1. The ProCard VISA Trans Details window disappears. Select the Comments icon to enter comment text that remains with the associated procurement card transaction line. (Optional)

Comments should be entered and attachments made prior to linking to a purchase order (optional).

Procurement Card Transactions
  1. The ProCard Comments window displays. Enter Comments.
  2. Use the Attach button to add Associated Documents (Optional).
  3. Select the OK button.
Pro Card Comments window
  1. Next select the Distribution icon.
Procurement Card Transactions page
  1. The ProCard Account Distribution window displays. Use it to split accounting distributions or override defaults for a statement line.
  2. The key difference between this page and the Distribution Templates/Reset Status page is that this page affects one statement line at a time.
  3. Use the Chartfields tab to manually override the distribution information for the statement line by changing any of the distribution field values in the scroll area.
  4. Select the Details/Tax tab.
Chartfields tab

If the Sales/Use Tax Information should be updated, please follow steps 39 - 41.

  1. The Details/Tax tab displays.  Use it to review the tax information associated with this transaction.
  2. Select the Asset Information tab.
Details Tax tab
  1. The Asset Information tab displays.  Use it to review the asset information associated with this transactions.
  2. Select the Statuses tab.
Asset Information tab
  1. The Statuses tab displays.  Use it to review the status information associated with this transaction.
  2. Select OK.
Pro Card Account Distribution Statuses tab
  1. The ProCard Account Distribution window disappears.
  2. IF payment was used on a Purchase Order, select a transaction and then Select on Purchase Details (Optional).
Purchase Detail Screen shot - highlighted checkbox and Purchase Details
  1. Here you can link a purchase order to the transaction (Optional).

Note that at the bottom of the Purchase Details screen, the Tax Paid box defaults to checked.  If Tax is not included and Use Tax should be added, please continue with steps 41 - 42.

ProCard Purchase Order image
Look Up PO Line pagelet
  1. If Tax is 'paid' go to Step 43. Otherwise, select on Sales/Use Tax link on the bottom if Sales/Use Tax needs to be applied to the transaction.
Sales/Use Tax box highlighted in screen image
  1. The Sales/Use Tax page opens. Select either 'Item is Exempt' OR 'Use Tax Applicable' and select your Tax Destination. Based on the Tax Destination, Tax Code/SUT Code Pct/Sales Tax will be defaulted. Sales tax percentage can also be manually entered (Optional).
  2. Select the OK button to return to “ProCard Purchase Order” page.
  3. Select the OK to return back to the "Transactions" page.
  1. Select the "Approved" or "Verified" list item. Only users with approval role will be able to “Approve” transactions.
  2. Select Save.
  3. You can also run Budget Check process from here. Just select the line and select Validate Budget.
Procurement Card Transactions page

Video Tutorial

The video below demonstrates the process actions described in the steps listed above. There is no audio included with this video. Select the play button to start the video.


View Tutorial via Panopto

View the external link to Reconciling P-Card Transactions/Statements Manually. This link will open in a new tab/window.


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