ESS Paycheck Modeler (Fluid)

Purpose:  Use this document as a reference for how to simulate a mock/model check in ctcLink.

Audience:  All Staff.

Paycheck Modeler lets employees simulate their own paychecks, investigate their own what-if scenarios, and answer most of their own questions without having to call payroll department for assistance.

Paycheck Modeler

Fluid Navigation:  Employee Self Service (Homepage) > Payroll (Tile) > Paycheck Modeler (Tile)

  1. From teh ESS homepage, select the Payroll tile. The Payroll sub-tile page displays.
  2. Select the Paycheck Modeler tile.

Step 1 - Start

  1. The Start - Step 1 of 6 page displays. The activity guide displays the 6 steps of the process at the top of the page.
  2. After reviewing terms and conditions, Select the checkbox "Yes I have reviewed and agree to the terms and conditions above".
  3. Select the Let's Get Started button.
Start page

Step 2 - Earnings

The earning step shows all the standard earnings of the employee from Job record and picks up the pay rate based upon the last confirmed paycheck. The earnings step allows to add/edit/delete any earnings.

Note: The value of Earnings should have a value that is greater than zero to move on to define the deductions.

  1. The Earnings - Step 2 of 6 page displays.
  2. Review/edit actions for this page if needed. You can edit individual amounts, clear individual amounts or Clear All Amounts. You can edit existing earnings data or Add Earnings (new row) and enter the details.
  3. Select the Next button after edits are made.
Step 2 Earnings page

Step 3 - Deductions

The deduction step shows all the standard deductions. Employee can add/edit/update the deductions. It works same as earnings . Garnishments are special consideration here, as employee is not allowed to update the garnishments but can set it to zero

  1. The Deductions - Step 3 of 6 page displays.
  2. Select the Edit icon for applicable row(s) as needed. You can Add Deductions for a new row and enter the details.
  3. Select the Clear Amount icon to remove applicable individual deductions, or Clear All Amounts.
  4. Select the Next button when edits have been made.
Deductions page

Step 4 - Taxes

Employee’s tax information can be updated in the tax step, based on the current tax information.

  1. The Taxes - Step 4 of 6 page displays.
  2. Select the Edit icon on the Federal row, and/or Washington row.
Taxes page
  1. The Federal Tax Withholding pagelet displays.
  2. Tax Status is a required field. Select the appropriate value from the drop-down menu, for example, Single as seen in the left image below. Edit the fields as needed.
    NOTE: Modifications have been made to set the special withholding tax status to Maintain Taxable Gross if tax status in the Paycheck Modeler’s Federal Tax page is changed to Exempt, as seen in the image below on the right.
  3. Select the Submit button to close the pagelet and return to the Taxes page.
  4. Select the Next button to continue to the Calculate step of the process.
Federal tax withholding pagelet

Step 5 - Calculate

Calculate step calculates the model check based on the changes made. Once the employee has made changes, the “Calculate My Modeled Check” button is available on the Paycheck Modeler Calculate page. The Next button remains unavailable until after the user selects the Calculate My Modeled Check button. When the modeled check is calculated, a message appears and the Next button becomes available.

  1. The Calculate - Step 5 of 6 page displays.
  2. Select the Calculate My Modeled Check button.
Calculate page
  1. A caution message displays. Review the message.
  2. Select OK to close the message window.
  3. Select the Next button on the Calculate step.
confirmation message for calculate step

Step 6 - Results

The sample paycheck will now appear on the Paycheck Modeler, the results are based on the changes that are done by the employee in the previous 5 steps.

Results page
  1. Review the modeled results and ratio.
  2. Under the Modeled Check Results section, there are two buttons available for users to:
            1) Print My Modeled Check  
            2) Print My Changes.
  3. Select the Exit button to end the Modeler of the Previous button to go back through the steps and revise the data input if you wish to try other options.

The Employee Self Service fluid tiles procedure to use the Paycheck Modeler is complete.


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