ESS Add Update Gender Identity - SOGI (Fluid)

Purpose:  Use this document as a reference to add or update your Gender Identity in ctcLink. The employee can enter or modify their pronoun, sexual orientation and gender identity in Employee Self Service using Fluid tiles.

Audience:  Employees

Navigation: HCM Employee Self Service > Personal Details (Tile) > Gender Identity (Tile)

  1. On the Gender Identity page, the blank values in the grid row indicate this is the first time entering Gender Identity values.  In the Gender Details grid, select the right chevron/arrow to edit/fill in details.

The Gender Details page displays. There is a Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity (SOGI) disclaimer beneath the Gender Details header.  Please read the disclaimer.

  1. The Change As Of date field defaults to the current date. Change as appropriate.
  2. Select  the Pronoun lookup icon for a list of values and descriptions.

If you are not sure of the values / descriptions in the list,  select the blue information icon next to the Pronoun lookup.  The Pronoun Values page displays with a more in depth description/definition.

  1. Make your selection for Pronoun.
  2. Move down to the Sexual Orientation field. (Again you have the lookup icon and the information icon to assist in making your selection).  Make your Sexual Orientation selection.
  3. Move down to the Gender Identity field using the same tools.
  4. Review the Change As Of date, Pronoun, Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity fields as populated.
  5. If they are correct, select the Save button.

NOTE: Values can also be set to blank after a value was previously entered.

After the input data has been saved, the employee will receive a "data updated" notification.

This auto system-generated notification is sent to the employee only as an FYI and confirmation that their data was updated.

Video Tutorial

The video below demonstrates the process actions described in steps listed above.  There is no audio included with this video.  Select the play button to start the video.

Video Tutorial via Panopto

View the external link to ESS Add Update Gender Identity.  This link will open in a new tab/window.