HCM ESS Exceptions (Fluid)
Purpose: Use this document as a reference for viewing exceptions for employees in ctcLink.
Audience: Employees
Employee Self-Service Exceptions
Navigation: HCM Employee Self Service (homepage) > Time tile > Exceptions tile
- The Time homepage displays.
- Select the Exceptions tile.
- The Exceptions page displays.
- There are two possibilities on selecting Exceptions:
- Employee has no exceptions and sees message “There are no exceptions to display.”
- Employee has displayed exceptions.

- The expectation is that, if the exception exists within the current pay period, the employee would navigate to their timesheet and fix the error.
- Note: If the exception is in a previous pay period then the employee cannot fix it themselves and must notify their supervisor and HR; particularly if it is pay impacting.
- Selecting the exception as displayed on Exceptions page will direct the employee to their Enter Time screen. The day associated with the exception will have a red triangle with an exclamation point on it.
- Once the exception is fixed, select Submit and OK in Enter Time. Once time is processed periodically the exception will clear from both the timesheet and View Exceptions.

The process to view exceptions is now complete.
End of procedure.
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