Overview of Earnings Statements
Purpose: Use this document as an overview of interpretation for earnings statements in ctcLink.
Audience: Employees
You must have at least one of these local college managed security roles:
- ZZ Former Employee
- ZZ PeopleSoft User
If you need assistance with the above security roles, please contact your local college supervisor or IT Admin to request role access.
Two examples are shown below.
- One example for employees utilizing Direct Deposit (a classified employee).
- One example for employees utilizing manual/paper checks (an hourly employee).
Earnings statement may look different than your own statement depending on employee deductions, benefit enrollments chosen, etc.
Overview of Earnings Statements
Viewing Paychecks/Earning Statements
Fluid Navigation: HCM Employee Self Service > Payroll (Tile) > Paychecks (Tile)
- The Paychecks page displays.
- Select arrow at far right of desired paycheck for review.
Printing Earning Statements
- The desired paycheck displays.
- Select printer icon in upper right hand corner.
- Change printer location if needed.
Direct Deposit Example (PeopleSoft Example)
Pay Information
Employee pay group assignment
Pay period dates -
Pay Information
Business Unit (college number)
Check number
Check issue date - Employee demographics (home/mailing address, etc.)
Employee Information
Empl ID
Work Location
Job Title
Pay Rate -
Tax Data (Federal and State-if an employee has another state deducting taxes, it will show here)
Marital Status
Additional Percent
Additional Amount -
Hours and Earnings (Current and Year to Date; includes totals)
Description of hours
Earnings -
Taxes (Current and Year to Date; includes totals)
Federal Withholding
Before Tax Deductions (Current and Year to Date; includes totals)
*For benefit eligible employee who elected to enroll in the respective benefit plans, the deductions below may be displayed.
*Uniform Classic
*Flexible Spending Account
*PERS Plan 2
TCC Pretax Parking
Other Before Tax Deductions -
After Tax Deductions (Current and Year to Date; includes totals)
*For benefit eligible employee who elected to enroll in the respective benefit plans, the deductions below may be displayed.
*Long Term Disability
*SBVIP Pre & After Tax
Combined Fund Drive (CFD)
Medical Aid EE
Paid Medical Leave EE
Paid Family Leave EE -
Employer Paid Benefits (Current and Year to Date)
*For benefit eligible employee who elected to enroll in the respective benefit plans, the deductions below may be displayed.
*PERS Plan 2
Industrial Insurance ER
Medical Aid ER
Paid Family & Medical Leave ER
*FSA Admin Fee
*HCA Average Cost - Total Gross/Federal Taxable Gross/Total Taxes/Total Deductions/Net Pay (Current and Year to Date)
Summary Leave Balances (Displays most recent balances from Absence Management and Time & Labor Compensation Time)
Vac (Vacation)
Sck (Sick)
NSCK (Non comp sick leave)
P/H (Personal Holiday)
PERS (Personal Day)
CMP (Compensation Time) -
Net Pay Distribution (Includes total)
(FOR DIRECT DEPOSITS ONLY, the below applies)
Advice Number (if set up for direct deposit, if not set up a check number will appear)
Account Type (checking or savings)
Account Number(s)
Deposit Amount(s) - Message - Always blank space, reserved for future development.
Manual/Paper Check Example (PeopleSoft Example)
- Check Number
- To the order of: Employee name, address etc.
- Signature line: Executive signature
- Leave Balances: Vacation, Sick-Comp, Sick-Non-Compensated, Compensated Time, Personal Holiday, etc.
- Number of hours worked, Gross amounts, Taxable Gross amounts
- Employer Contributions: Dependent on benefit enrollment(s)
- Employee Deductions: Dependent on benefit enrollments, etc.

The overview of earnings statement is now complete.
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