9.2 Time and Effort Reporting
Purpose: Use this document to report hours to the EFFRT time reporting code along with appropriate combination code for reporting purposes.
Audience: Employees.
Time and Effort time reporting requires employees to double report their time. The total number of hours worked by day to the appropriate Time Reporting Code (TRC). And secondary rows added for the EFFRT (time and effort) TRC. A single row will need to be added for each combo code you will be reporting hours to during the period addressed within the timesheet.
Navigation: HCM Self Service > Time Reporting > Report Time > Timesheet
- The Timesheet page displays.
- Select the Look Up Combination Code icon.
- To add rows for each combo code, select the [+] plus sign/add row icon. Add additional rows for each combo code if needed.
- The Look Up Combination Code pagelet displays.
- Select or enter the appropriate combo code.
- The Timesheet page is updated and displays.
- Enter the remaining hours by day and the TRC.
- Repeat process for added rows.
- Select the Submit button.
- The Employee Affirmation message pagelet displays.
- Select the OK button.

- The Submit Confirmation page displays.
- Select the OK button.

- The Timesheet page is updated and displays.
- The process to report time and effort on a timesheet is now complete.
- End of procedure.
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