Financial Aid Summary (HCX)
Purpose: Use this document as a reference for how to view a summary of your Financial Aid using your mobile device.
Audience: Students.
The college mobile applications will look a bit different between the various colleges. This guide is intended as a general overview. Please note that your college may have different images and options available.
Financial Aid Summary
- On the Mobile (HCX) Springboard page, select the ctcLink Login tile.
- The ctcLink Login page displays.
- Enter your ctcLink ID.
- Enter your Password.
- Select the Sign In button.

- The Mobile (HCX) Dashboard displays.
- Select the Financials icon from the sidebar menu.
- The Financials menu expands.
- Select Financial Aid Summary from the sub-menu.
- The Financial Aid Summary page displays.
- To review a summary of your financial aid for a Financial Aid Year, use the Financial Aid Year drop-down list box to make your selection. In this example, we will select 2020-2021.
- For an estimate of items used to determine your costs by Term, you can expand a Term. Select the Chevron (>) associated with the Term to view the Term Budget. In this example, we will select Spring 2021.

- That's it! You have reviewed the Financial Aid Summary function in ctcLink's Mobile (HCX).
Please get in touch with your college if you require immediate assistance with ctcLink. Check out the contact information and highlights for each community and technical college.