Class Search, Browse Classes and Course Catalog (HCX)
Purpose: Use this document as a reference for searching for classes, browsing classes and viewing the Course Catalog on a mobile device.
Audience: Students.
The college mobile applications will look a bit different between the various colleges. Despite the general overview in this guide, your college may offer different options and images. Search results may differ depending on your device and screen size.
Class Search, Browse Classes and Course Catalog
- On the Mobile (HCX) Springboard page, select the ctcLink Login tile.
- The ctcLink Login page displays.
- Enter your ctcLink ID.
- Enter your Password.
- Select the Sign In button. The Okta Account section of the ctcLink Reference Center provides helpful information on accessing your ctcLink account.

- The Mobile (HCX) Dashboard displays.
- On the Mobile (HCX) Dashboard, select the Class Information icon from the sidebar menu.
- Select Class Search from the Class Information from the drop-down menu.
- The Class Search page displays.
- Select the More Filters button.
- Select the Search Criteria you want to use to search for a class.
- Select a Term. This is a required field.
- Activate the Subject drop-down list to choose a subject.
- You can include additional search criteria.
- To Show Open Classes Only, select the checkbox.
- Click the Search button.
- Search results are displayed.
- Select select the chevron (>) next to the desired class to to view more information about the class.
- The class Information page displays.
- In the Details section, select the See Location button.
- The school's campus map displays indicating the location where the class will meet.
- Select the X in the upper right corner to close the map.
- The Class Information page displays.
- In the lower right corner of the Class Section page, the following buttons display: Share, View Deadlines, Add To Cart, and Enroll. Selecting the vertical ellipses on the far right of the row provides the same options as the buttons.
- Select the Share button.
- The Share Class pop-up box displays.
- You are able to share the class on Social Media Networks or via email. Another option is to copy the link to share the class with friends.
- Select the X in the upper right corner to close the Share Class pop-up window.
- Click the View Deadlines button for Academic Calendar Deadlines.
- To enroll into the class, click the Enroll button.
- On the Mobile (HCX) Dashboard, select the Class Information icon from the sidebar menu and click Browse Classes.
- The Browse Classes page displays.
- Select applicable Search Criteria to narrow your search.
- Start by selecting the Term (required field) you are interested in browsing.
- Next, select a Subject.
- Select the Search button.
- To further refine your search, you can enter one or more words in the Search box. When entering words in the Search box, the list of classes will narrow as you type. No need to select the Search button again.
- Find a class that you want to view and select the View Sections button.
- Select select the chevron (>) next to the desired class to to view more information about the class. Please review the Class Search section for detailed class information.
- On the Mobile (HCX) Dashboard, select the Class Information icon from the sidebar menu and click Course Catalog.
- The Course Catalog page displays.
- Select filters to narrow your results.
- Career
- Filter Subject by Letter
- Click the View Courses button for a list of courses and description.
- Select the chevron (>) to view the course details.
- Click the View Sections button. A View Sections button will only display if there are sections available for the course.
- The sections available for this course displays.
- Activate the Term drop-down list to choose a different term if available.
- The sections available for that term displays.
- End of processes.
Please get in touch with your college if you require immediate assistance with ctcLink. Check out the contact information and highlights for each community and technical college.