9.2 Student Self-Service: Enroll Using Permission Number

Purpose: Use this document as a reference for entering permission numbers for closed courses in ctcLink.

Audience: Students.

Enrollment using a permission number is typically used for courses that are:

  • closed
  • courses that need consent
  • or to enroll from the Wait List

Student Self-Service: Enroll Using Permission Number

Navigation: ctcLink Student Homepage > Manage Classes

   The image displays the ctcLink Student Homepage in ctcLink.
  1. The Manage Classes page displays.
  2. Select the Class Search and Enroll menu item.
  3. The Select a Value page displays available Terms and college options to select from.
  4. Select the applicable Term/College.
  5. The Class Search and Enroll page displays.
  6. Enter search criteria to select a class to enroll in.
  7. Search results display.
  8. Select applicable class link.
Class Search and Enroll
  1. After class has been selected, select Review Class Preferences menu item.
  2. The Step 2 of 4: Review Class Preferences page displays.
  3. Enter the Permission Number.
  4. Select the Accept button.
Review Class Preferences
  1. The Enroll or Add to Cart page displays.
  2. Select the Enroll radio button.
Enroll and Add to Cart
  1. Select the Review and Submit menu item.
  2. Step 4 of 4: Review and Submit page displays.
  3. Verify class selection is correct and select the Submit button.
  4. A confirm submission message displays.
  5. Select Yes or No.
Review and Submit
  1. View the results to confirm the enrollment was successful. A green check indicates success. A red X means there was a problem. Review the error messages and correct any issues or, contact your advisor or registration for additional assistance.
  2. Select the View My Classes menu item to review your class(es).
Confirmation image
  1. Process complete.

Please get in touch with your college if you require immediate assistance with ctcLink. Check out the contact information and highlights for each community and technical college.