9.2 Student Self-Service: Enroll Using Permission Number
Purpose: Use this document as a reference for entering permission numbers for closed courses in ctcLink.
Audience: Students.
Enrollment using a permission number is typically used for courses that are:
- closed
- courses that need consent
- or to enroll from the Wait List
Student Self-Service: Enroll Using Permission Number
Navigation: ctcLink Student Homepage > Manage Classes
- The Manage Classes page displays.
- Select the Class Search and Enroll menu item.
- The Select a Value page displays available Terms and college options to select from.
- Select the applicable Term/College.
- The Class Search and Enroll page displays.
- Enter search criteria to select a class to enroll in.
- Search results display.
- Select applicable class link.
- After class has been selected, select Review Class Preferences menu item.
- The Step 2 of 4: Review Class Preferences page displays.
- Enter the Permission Number.
- Select the Accept button.
- The Enroll or Add to Cart page displays.
- Select the Enroll radio button.
- Select the Review and Submit menu item.
- Step 4 of 4: Review and Submit page displays.
- Verify class selection is correct and select the Submit button.
- A confirm submission message displays.
- Select Yes or No.
- View the results to confirm the enrollment was successful. A green check indicates success. A red X means there was a problem. Review the error messages and correct any issues or, contact your advisor or registration for additional assistance.
- Select the View My Classes menu item to review your class(es).
- Process complete.
Please get in touch with your college if you require immediate assistance with ctcLink. Check out the contact information and highlights for each community and technical college.