DG6 Conversion
Purpose: Use this as a reference to understand the tasks and processes necessary for a successful roll out of your production environment (aka Go Live.)
Audience: Staff working during ctcLink Go Live
Legacy Take Down
Point of time reference defined as all the data within the Legacy systems as of noon, the day Legacy stopped.
SF to GL Suppressed
The process which summarizes item type transactions from the CS Pillar by chart string and is then suppressed/negated/reversed from being uploaded into the FIN Pillar general ledger.
SF to GL Live
The process which summarizes item type transactions from the CS Pillar by chart string and is then uploaded into the FIN Pillar general ledger.
CORE Clean Up
A collection of spreadsheets which includes student and course/class data which the institutions are expected to correct. These corrections should be in ctcLink, however, were not and so they need to be corrected as soon as possible and suppressed from the General Ledger.
SF Clean Up
A collection of student account issues which the State Board are expected to correct. These corrections should be in ctcLink, however, were not and so they need to be corrected as soon as possible and suppressed from the General Ledger.
SF/FA Item Type CPL Clean Up
A collection of reports with item type balance discrepancies will be share which highlight FA Item Types that need to be adjusted in order to apply within the Customer Account properly.
SF Next Term Renovation
In the case where a future term with enrollment is converted, the SF Team will run a series of processes that will allow for the item types within that term to behave appropriately.
Tuition Calculation
Baseline ctcLink process that takes adjustments made either at the student or system level into account for proper balance calculation.
Conversion Permissions
A per student application of payment/fin aid to abnormal item type ranges not normally found on the specified Charge Priority List, which allows for a temporary allowance in payment application so that a student account may be balanced as was in Legacy.
This query is an altered version of CTC_SF_VAL_CHRG_PRI_BI. Where criteria is specific to Charge Priority Lists that have a current term selection of "P", for positive permission. Meaning this Node (range on item type tree) is allowed to be paid so long as the student has the Permission Form active. Also trimming particular item type detail results and made distinct. This information being handy to add back in for a one-off run of the query, but primarily this will serve as a quick check on which CPL's have the permission form trait.
This query list the students by institution that have a permission form to allow extra nodes (ranges of item types) in the Charge Priority of a Payment or Fin Aid to apply to those extra range of charges. Prompts: 1) Institution 2) Permission Form name (look up shows active permission forms) 3) Active or Inactive (Default is active, as generally looking for who has an active form. But allow to change for flexibility in seeing inactive).
If this report produces large amounts of results, the SF Team is able to run a mass inactivate of the permission list on behalf of the client. If only a few students exist within the report, it is possible for the SF Team to inactivate the permission list one by one. Please submit a ticket for either mass or individual priority permission should be adjusted per the report results.
This query list the students and related balance information for the term (term after go live term) where the college had converted tuition charges. We then as post go live steps reversed the (term after the go live term -example Spring) and reset Spring General Ledger receivables by letting those reversals take back their account, and then replaced the specified term with Live Tuition Calc. Some account may not match after this swap if there were any missing student attributes, course/class or term fees. The first 9 columns relate to the Converted Items and look at Item Line SF to get aggregate the amount of the item up to the date it was reversed. Category column is an expression to generalize the comparison at a high-level. Columns 11 -15 are for the go live tuition but with ITEM_SF tied to itself on all key fields but Item Nbr. Using expression to match to conversion counter-parts. This will be helpful to finding amount miss-matches on the two side. But the way this matches up will fail at finding an item simply missing one side or the other. The last column tells the user if there has been enrollment activity since the prompted date or not, as that could have an influence on the Tuition calculated in 11-15.

The below information concerns the main Student Financials DG6 Conversion process milestones.
- Legacy Take Down = This initial process includes SF student account & corporate account data copied from Legacy at take down. The data is cross walked and converted into the applicable item type format for ctcLink. The data is then group posted into the production (PRD) environment of the CS Pillar. Separately, the FINANCE team pulls data out of Legacy and then loads that into the FINANCE Pillar in ctcLink.
- Tuition Calculation = All Student and Corporate Item Types need to experience the tuition calculation process in order for the payments to be applied to charges.
- SF GL Time Stamp - The just loaded CS Pillar item type data includes accounting data (chart string accounting data) amounts which has already been loaded into the General Ledger. Therefore, the accumulated/loaded item type data amounts/totals should not be loaded again to the General Ledger. However, we need to mimic the SF to GL process, so that the item type data can be stamped as having been posted to the General Ledger.
Clean Up
- CORE Clean Up - A collection of spreadsheets which includes student and course/class data which the institutions are expected to correct. These corrections should be in ctcLink, however, were not and so they need to be corrected as soon as possible and suppressed from the General Ledger.
- SF Clean Up - A collection of student account issues which the State Board are expected to correct. These corrections should be in ctcLink, however, were not and so they need to be corrected as soon as possible and suppressed from the General Ledger.
- SF/FA Item Type CPL Clean Up ***A collection of reports with item type balance discrepancies will be share which highlight FA Item Types that need to be adjusted in order to apply within the Customer Account properly.
- Tuition Calculation is run after all clean up has concluded.
- Line in the Sand = At this point, the data and amounts within the CS Pillar and the FIN Pillar consist of “what should’ve been” from the Legacy Take Down. It is then determined that this is the point of time when no additional Legacy data within the customer account needs to be updated or adjusted and it's time to draw a line in the sand. The line in the sand is how we not mark the final SF to GL Suppressed process and the SF to GL processes after this will then only reflect data that occurred after Legacy Take Down (aka new activity.) *
- New Activity Time = This is when cashiering, registration, and other CS Pillar activities that did not exist in Legacy may now commence. As per normal ctcLink processing, the Tuition Calculation process runs, and is then followed by the First SF to GL process (not suppressed and should reflect against the GL.)
- SF Next Term Renovation = In the case where a future term with enrollment is converted, the SF Team will run a series of processes that will allow for the item types within that term to behave appropriately. Only after this is complete may new student registration adjustments occur.
Conversion Permissions
Please let us know when you would like the SF Team to remove all or individual student permissions. This will most likely be when a majority of batch financial aid has applied to the Go Live term.
Watch out for Legacy Corrections vs GL
Their will be items discovered after our clean-up has occurred and/or parts of clean up that may be a lower priority and therefore need to have the General Ledger adjusted via a Journal Entry (JE) that reflects "what should’ve been in the Legacy CS Pillar & Finance Pillar at take down."
When this occurs, it may be necessary to suppress the financial data for each student so that it is not double counted. After any updates or changes have happened, use the query QCS_SF_E214_ACCTG_LN_CF_DTL to attain the item types impacted for a particular date range and then sort for the specific students impacted. The resulting data should be the changes made to specific students with all item type chart fields of which to select the appropriate information to JE.
SF 106 - Additional Resources - Training Videos (located at the bottom of the page)