9.2 SF Training Course Query List (9/13/2021)
Purpose: This document provides a list of queries that are mentioned in Student Financials Canvas training courses.
Audience: Student Financials staff
Each foldable section below corresponds to a single Student Financials Canvas training course.
Within each foldable section, you'll find a list of hyperlinked query names, titles, and output samples. Click on the hyperlinked query name to open, in a new window, the Canvas course module that contains the query.
- QCS_SR_RSBILLING - Running Start Billing Info

- QCS_SR_RS_ENROLL - Running Start FTE Data

- QCS_SF_SR_TUITIONDUE - Running Start Tuition Due

- QCS_SF_CONCURR_ENROLLMNT - Term Actv UGRD Stdnts all Inst

- QCS_SF_CONCURRENT_ENRL_2_CNTCT - Concurrent Enroll Stdnts Prefr

- QCS_SF_ENROLL_CANCEL_REPORT - Enroll Cancel w/student Group

- QCS_SF_TUT_CALC_ERRORS - Tuition Calc Errors

- QCS_SF_DEPT_RECEIPTS_GL - Missing GL info for dept rec

- QCS_SF_E214_ACCTG_LN - SF/GL Acctg Ln

- QCS_SF_E214_ACCTG_LN_JGEN - Lines not Jrnl Gen by Run Dt

- QCS_SF_E214_FUND_BAL - SF/GL Fund Balanced

- QCS_SF_E215_ACCTG_LN - SFC/GL Acctg Ln

- QCS_SF_E215_ACCTG_LN_JGEN - Lines not Jrnl Gen

- QCS_SF_E215_FUND_BAL - Fund Bal SFC/GL

- QCS_SF_VOID_BY_RECEIPT - Reversals by term OperID

- QCS_FA_STDNT_ITEM_TYPE_BALANCE - Credit Balance Report
- CTCSF_PMTPRG - Payment Plan Progress Report
- BCS_3PST_IVC - 3rd Party Invoice w/Stdnt Data

- QCS_SF_3RD_PRTY_VNDR_PAY_RECON - 3RD Party Vendor Pay Recon

- CTC_SF_PDUE_CRDHIST - Credit History Temp Pop Pdue

- CTC_SF_RPT_SF821 - SF Credit History All Students

- SF754_Collections - Students in Collections

- CTC_SF_PS_3C_COLL_PASTDUE - Pop Sel Collection Past Dues

- CTC_SF_PS_COMGEN_LIMIT - Pop Select and CommGen for PER

- QCS_SF_COLLECT_AGREE_PYMNT_RCN - Collection Agreement Recon/Payment Query
QCS_SF_PAST_DUE_COLLECTIONS - Students in Collections
- CTC_CM_CLASS_FEES_BY_STRM - Class fees by term

- QCS_ABE_COURSE_ID - Course Fee list

- QCS_SF_ITEM_TYPE_GL_INFO - Item Types and GL Information

- CTC_SF_ACCTNG_LN_BY_DATE - Student Financials Transaction

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