SF DL Blast 5/9/2024


  • BAR (Budget, Accounting, and Reporting)meeting on April 25 & 26
  • Third Party Contracts
    • Refrain from using the following Tree Nodes when creating/rolling contracts:
        • TPCs should be monitored to pay specific fees as designated by the External Organization/Third Party. The use of nodes that allow for broad payment is a security threat and should be reviewed and discontinued.
  • Key Words & Solar Winds Item Type Form
    • New drop-down options have been added onto the item type form to accommodate the ongoing work regarding key words.


  • WHO is watching your vendors?
    • Please take time to review/update the main point of contact & communications for all your 3rd party vendors...especially ones that impact cash flow!
    • In addition, make sure that any outstanding important dates are “calendared” and shared between more than 1 person as assurance. Setting an Outlook reminder to avoid students not being able to pay online!
    • Consider including more staff and/or a distribution list on 3rd party software update/communication emails.
  • 1098T Statements
    • Reminder (from BAR presentation) to regularly ask students for any missing SSNs and to ask students to consent to electronic notification!!
    • Last call to volunteer for the 24’ 1098T Work Group  focus this year on the Process Guide  send Brandon an email if interested.
  • Cashier Office closing & template reminder (PLEASE REVIEW YOUR RUN CONTROLS)
    • The new template, CASHIER/GL, was created a year and a half ago to help eliminate some common reconciliation issues we noticed.
    • Using the wrong template causes numerous errors between the CS and Finance pillars, including transactions not being sent, fund balancing issues, and incorrect balances with accounts.
Cashiering GL Interface page with the Look Up Journal Template pop-up page. The Cashier/GL Jounral Template is highlighted.


Past 30 Days

  • CPL’s Part III (Canvas Link)
    • Held on April 18th
    • The recording is linked above, thank you Training Team!

Upcoming 30 Days


  • CtcLink Accounting Manual
    • The manual references established accounting policy and presents conventional practices adopted by the colleges to implement those policies. In many instances throughout the manual alternate practices or methods are presented.
  • SF DL Blasts
    • Are you on all the right distribution lists (besides ctcLinkSF & BAR)? Subscribe here!

Thank you for taking the time to review this information. Please feel free to reach out if you have any questions or need further clarification ([email protected].)

-Your State Board SF Team


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