Using AR WorkCenter
Purpose: Use this document to get a basic understanding of the Receivables WorkCenter also referred as the AR WorkCenter in ctcLink.
Audience: Accounts Receivable staff
You must have at least one of these local college managed security roles:
- ZZ AR Workcenter
If you need assistance with the above security roles, please contact your local college supervisor or IT Admin to request role access.
The Receivables WorkCenter is a role-based central navigational component that is designed to help users of the Accounts Receivable application to organize and streamline their workload. It provides a single place to perform a broad range of tasks without leaving the WorkCenter, such as journal functions with exception alerts, monthly closing activities, or reconciliation and reporting, resulting in improved efficiency, productivity, and effectiveness. The WorkCenter is a global configuration that can be tailored to individual requirements. It will be delivered with the most common tasks and links that are applicable to most users.
A WorkCenter is divided into a Task area and a Work area. You click on a link to perform the Task in the Work area, without ever leaving the WorkCenter. When you are finished with a Task, you can quickly select the next one, and open it in the Work area. This functionality improves efficiency and effectiveness, and reduces the need to keep navigating through the menu structure to perform your job duties.
The WorkCenter is composed of the following pagelets. Each pagelet is discussed in this Quick Reference Guide.
The pagelets are:
- My Work pagelet - Access to your most commonly-performed tasks, including exceptions and alerts for items requiring your attention.
- Links pagelet - Access your most commonly-used pages. This pagelet is similar to the Favorites menu, but more user-friendly.
- Queries pagelet - Access Query Manager, public queries, private queries, and pivot grids.
- Reports and Processes pagelet - Access reports and processes that you use most often.
Using AR WorkCenter
Navigation: Accounts Receivable > Receivables WorkCenter
The Receivables WorkCenter welcome page displays.
Navigational hints:
- Two side arrows - select to expand/collapse the Task Panel.
- Refresh icon - select to refresh the page to see changes.
- Ellipsis or 3 vertical dots - personalize icon.
- Ten horizontal dots - select and drag up or down to view Task Panel areas.
The My Work pagelet will be pre-configured with many links that can assist users in performing day-to-day Account Receivable duties. It will show the statuses and counts for lines in error and notification of pending processes. Selecting a link will open a Work area pagelet where actions can be taken, such as Items drop down arrow to view Open Items or Maintenance Worksheets to Post.
Users cannot add links to the My Work pagelet, only modify the display options.
- Before you can use any of the My Work links, you must define the required filter values. Under the My Work section, select the Edit Filters link to open the Edit Filters pagelet in the Work Area.
- Select each Configure Link(s) (pencil icon) to open the Configure Filter Values page and input filter parameters such as Business Unit.
Line items in red and require configuration; **Required filter field values not defined.
Be sure to enter the required filter field values for all available My Work Groups. See the example of 1 of 5 page groups below.
- Enter the appropriate field values and select OK.
When configuring the Filter Values, please select the SetID = WACTC for SBCTC HQ. By entering the Business Unit and leaving other fields blank, the system will pull all relevant field values for the Filter ID.

- Repeat the above steps to activate each My Work link displayed in red. The My Work area is ready for use when all filters are activated. Once activated, links will change colors from Red to Blue or Black.
- Links displayed in Blue indicate active links that have items requiring action.
- Links displayed in Black indicate active links, but no items in that link require action.
Note: When changes are made in the AR WorkCenter areas, you will be prompted to refresh the pagelet to see your changes. Click on the Refresh icon in that area.

Once the Edit Filters have been activated, optional to personalize the My Work section appearance.
- On the Main tab, select the three dot icon and then select Personalize.

- The Define User My Work Links page displays.
- On this page, you can indicate the display order, if you want the groups collapsed or expanded, if the count or link should display, or if the link should open on the AR WorkCenter starting page.
Field Descriptions on the Personalization Page are listed below.
- Select Save to save any changes and close out the window to return to the main AR WorkCenter page.
Once inside a Transaction page of the WorkCenter, you are able to customize it further using the Grid Action Menu icon or Download results to Excel.
The following example selects the 'Accounting Date' item and moves it after the 'Business Unit' on the Deposit Balancing Errors transaction page.
- Under My Work section, expand the Exceptions arrow and select the Deposit Balancing Errors link.
- Select the spreadsheet-looking icon called the Grid Action Menu icon. (Note: on some pages, select the Personalize word for customization access).
- Select Personalize.
- The Personalize Column and Sort Order window displays.
- Optional to select the item and using the up and down arrows to move items (or hide or freeze) and customize.
- Select OK.
Result of the customization; Accounting Date is now visible.
Once the required field values are entered, refresh the page and view Transactions and/or Errors.
Select the Exceptions expand arrow to review. The number of items will come after the title, for example, the 'Deposit Balancing Errors' has '3' items to view.
Depending upon the transaction selection, optional to utilize additional navigation or analysis tools:
- The Actions drop down arrow box to select an Action and/or process then select GO.
- Select additional tabs within the Transactions page, i.e. Document Details.
- Select the double-lined horizontal arrow to view the entire line item.
- Drill into the line item by selecting the blue hyperlinks.
Links in the WorkCenter take you directly to the pages that you need to perform your job functions. You can click the link to open the page in the Work Area. Or you can click the icon to the left of the link to open the page in another browser.
- To customize the Links section, select the ellipsis or vertical three dots and then select Personalize.
- The Define User "Links" Links window displays.
- Available customization:
- Reorder the Link List 'Display Order'.
- Select or Deselect the 'Show Link' boxes.
- Select or Deselect 'Start Group Collapsed'.
- Optional to create your own Link Group by selecting the Plus icon.
- The Links Pagelet Personalization page displays.
- Under the Link Groups section, enter a new Group Label name, i.e. MY LINKS.
- Under the Link List section, select the Define link.
- The Define Link window displays. Select the Select Menu Item link.
- The main 'Navigation: NavBar' options displays depending upon your security roles/view access.
- Scroll down to view various folders. Select the Accounts Receivable folder and drill into additional folders to add a custom 'link' to your WorkCenter. Select the OK button.
- Select Save and select the 'x' to close out the Links Pagelet Personalization page.
Optional to add and define additional personalized links items by selecting the plus icon.
The new Links 'MY LINKS' group has been added. Want more info on the Collections Workbench? Please see QRG Using the Collections Workbench.
The Queries section displays commonly used Queries for your AR WorkCenter. Predefined default Queries displays:
WorkCenter Queries:
- Customers with Credit Balances
- AR Journals not posted to GL
- Write-Offs for Approval
- Worksheets in Closed Period
- AR Items in Collection
- AR Items in Dispute
- AR Customers in Dispute
- AR Customers in Collections
- Under the My Queries section, select a query link.
- The Query displays in the transaction area.
- Enter the search criteria and select view results.
Optional to Personalize the Queries section on your WorkCenter and create your own Queries Group. Add additional favorite queries.
- Select the three dot icon and select Personalize.
- The Define User Query Links page displays.
- On this page you can configure the display order (if the second query should display before the first, then give the second query a Display Order value lower than the first query), the show link, and starting page options. Note 1 of 2 pages are available for customization.
- Optional to add your own queries to the WorkCenter. Select the plus icon [+] to add a new Query Group.
- Input a Group Label and display order, example below is 'MY QUERIES'.
- In the Query Definition section, input the Display Order then the Query Name.
- Enter desired query or select the magnifying glass look up tool in this field to use the basic or advanced lookup as needed.
- Optional to select the plus/minus icons [+] at the end of the row to add/delete row(s).
- Select Save.
Optional to override the Title/Description by selecting the Override Title/Description check box and manually entering a Description.
- A message will display to refresh the pagelet to see your changes. Select OK.
- Close out the Personalization page by selecting the 'X' in the upper right hand corner to return to the AR WorkCenter.
Refresh the pagelet to see your changes. The added Query Group and new queries will then be available.
The Reports/Processes section includes access to frequently used reports and processes. The links in this section take you directly to the Run Control page for common reports or processes. Predefined default Reports/Processes displays.
- By selecting one of the selections from the task panel, the report/process opens up in the transaction area.
Similar to the steps how to Customize the Queries Pagelet, optional to Personalize the Report/Processes section on your WorkCenter by creating your own Reporting Group. Select the ellipsis or vertical three dots and then select Personalize. Available customization:
- To create your own Reports/Process Link Group select the Plus icon.
- Enter or use the lookup tool to add Report Name. Select the plus icon [+] to add additional Reports.
- Optional reorder the Link List 'Display Order'.
- Select or Deselect the 'Show Link' boxes.
- Select or Deselect 'Start Group Collapsed'.
- Process complete.
Video Tutorial
The video below demonstrates the process actions described in the steps listed above. This video includes audio and closed captioning. Select the play button to start the video.
Video Tutorial Via Panopto
View the external link to Customizing the AR WorkCenter training session. This link will open in a new tab/window.
For more advanced training, please view the external link to Intermediate AR WorkCenter and Collections Workbench training session. This link will open in a new tab/window.
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