Applying Overpayments or Underpayments
Purpose: Use this document as a reference for how to use a Payment Worksheet to apply an overpayment or an underpayment in ctcLink.
Audience: Accounts Receivable staff/supervisors
You must have at least one of these local college managed security roles:
- ZZ AR Apply Payments
You must also set these User Preference Definitions:
If you need assistance with the above security roles or User Preference Definitions, please contact your local college supervisor or IT Admin to request role access.
A Payment Worksheet generally involves three steps: (1) Worksheet Selection, (2) Worksheet Application, and (3) Worksheet Action.
The following QRG demonstrates an Overpayment and Underpayment of several potential scenarios. This serves as a guideline that will vary depending on the accounting conditions.
Navigation: Accounts Receivable > Payments > Apply Payments > Apply Payments Worksheet
- The Create Payment Worksheet search page displays. Enter your district's business unit as the Deposit Unit (it may be prefilled).
- Enter or lookup the Deposit ID associated with the payments you wish to apply.
- Select Search.
- The Payment Worksheet Selection page displays. If there is more than one unapplied payment in the deposit, each payment will be listed. Select the payment you wish to apply. If there is only one payment in the deposit, it will open automatically.
- Use the Payment Worksheet Selection page to select AR item(s) for inclusion on the worksheet, with the assumption that you might pay those items with the payment you are currently working. To include all open items for a particular customer, configure the Customer Criteria section as follows:
- Select Customer Items from the Customer Criteria drop-down menu (the default selection).
- Enter the Customer ID (which will prefill if the customer was identified on the payment).
- Enter your district's Business Unit (which may be prefilled).
- Select the Build button.
Optional to utilize Reference Criteria to refine search results:
- Use the wildcard or % sign to quickly populate the item reference values, i.e. MSC%34589 = MSC-0000034586.
- Reference Value = Specific Value.
- Restrict to = Customer Only.
- Match Rule = Exact Match.
- The Payment Worksheet Application page (step 2 of the payment worksheet process) displays. Use it to select the open items you wish to pay with the current payment. For each item you wish to pay with the current payment:
- Select Pay An Item as the Entry Type (the default selection).
- Select via the Sel checkbox the open item(s) you wish to pay. Type defaults automatically to 'PY'. The Balance section updates automatically.
- If the payment amount is greater than the sum of selected open items, the open items will be fully paid by the payment. A remainder represents a "credit balance" for the customer and needs to be addressed on the worksheet:
- Add a new item to the worksheet by selecting the Add a New Row [+] icon at the end of any row in the Item List.
- In the Pay Amt field, enter a negative number representing the amount of overpayment.
- For the Type field select "OA", for "Place an Amount on Account". Note that you do not need to enter a Reason Code when placing an amount on account. The Item ID is assigned automatically. The Balance section is updated automatically.
- Select Save. In the example here, there are now two items selected: the originally selected item for $900 and a newly added credit item for $1. Together the items represent full use of the payment; the remaining balance of the worksheet is zero.
- Select Worksheet Action at the bottom of the page.
- The Payment Worksheet Action page displays. Select Create/Review Entries to generate the payment accounting.Use it (step 3 of the payment worksheet process) to:
- Create / review accounting entries
- Delete the worksheet
- Post the payment
- Select the Create/Review Entries button.
- The Accounting Entries page displays. Select the View 1 / View All link to view all distribution lines.
- Enter in the Accounting ChartString Distribution for the overpayment or OA = On Account payment line. Select Save to create the balancing accounting lines of the overpayment.
- Select Return to Previous Panel.
- The Payment Worksheet Action page displays. Select the Posting Action to 'Batch Standard' or Post Now', then select OK. Save the page.
Note 1: You must select the OK button after selecting a posting action; no posting will occur if you simply Save.
Note 2: You may also set the posting action to "Batch Standard" to have the accounting post when AR Update next runs.
The payment you selected has been successfully applied to the open item selected on the payment worksheet. Note that the item is now closed. To review activity on that item, please refer to QRG Viewing Item Accounting Entries or Reviewing Maintenance Worksheet Item Accounting Entries.
Video Tutorial
The video below demonstrates the process actions described in the steps listed above. There is no audio included with this video. Select the play button to start the video.
View Tutorial via Panopto
View the external link to Using a Payment Worksheet to Apply an Overpayment. This link will open in a new tab/window.
Navigation: Accounts Receivable > Payments > Apply Payments > Apply Payments Worksheet
- The Create Payment Worksheet search page displays. Enter your district's business unit as the Deposit Unit (it may be prefilled).
- Enter or lookup the Deposit ID associated with the payments you wish to apply.
- Select Search.
- The Payment Worksheet Selection page displays. If there is more than one unapplied payment in the deposit, each payment will be listed. Select the payment you wish to apply. If there is only one payment in the deposit, it will open automatically.
- Use the Payment Worksheet Selection page to select AR item(s) for inclusion on the worksheet, with the assumption that you might pay those items with the payment you are currently working. To include all open items for a particular customer, configure the Customer Criteria section as follows:
- Select Customer Items from the Customer Criteria drop-down menu (the default selection).
- Enter the Customer ID (which will prefill if the customer was identified on the payment).
- Enter your district's Business Unit (which may be prefilled).
- Select the Build button.
Optional to utilize Reference Criteria to refine search results:
- Use the wildcard or % sign to quickly populate the item reference values, i.e. MSC%34589 = MSC-0000034586.
- Reference Value = Specific Value.
- Restrict to = Customer Only.
- Match Rule = Exact Match.
- The Payment Worksheet Application page displays. Use the Payment Worksheet Application page (step 2 of the payment worksheet process) to select the open items you wish to pay with the current payment. For each item you want to pay with the current payment:
- Select Pay An Item as the Entry Type (the default selection).
- Select (via the Sel Checkbox) the open item(s) you wish to pay.
- The Pay Amount for each open item displayed in the worksheet defaults to the full amount of the item. Manually change the Pay Amt field to the amount you wish to pay. In this example we change the Pay Amt field from $500 (the full amount of the open item) to $499 (the total amount of the payment we are working with). This represents an underpayment of the open item totaling $1.
- Select the Refresh button (located at the bottom of the page).
- The system generates a new open item representing the outstanding balance of $1.00 (which you can treat as you would any other open item). The generated item will have the same Item ID as the original. Select the Save button.
- Select Worksheet Action (at the bottom of the page).
Remember that AR items are uniquely identified by the Group ID they are defined in; the duplicate Item ID will help you link this item with the original.
- The Payment Worksheet Action page (step 3 of the payment worksheet process) displays. Use it to:
- Create / review accounting entries
- Delete the worksheet
- Post the payment
- Select Create/Review Entries to review the underpayment accounting distribution lines.
- The Accounting Entries page displays. Review and update as needed. Select Save.
- Select Return to Previous Panel.
- The Payment Worksheet Action page displays. Select the Action to Batch Standard or to post the accounting immediately, select 'Post Now' as the Action, then select OK. Save the page.
Note 1: You must select the OK button after selecting a posting action; no posting will occur if you simply Save.
Note 2: You may also set the posting action to "Batch Standard" to have the accounting post when AR Update next runs.
The payment you selected has been successfully applied to the open item selected on the payment worksheet. Note that the item is now closed. To review activity on that item, please refer to QRG Viewing Item Accounting Entries or Reviewing Maintenance Worksheet Item Accounting Entries.
Video Tutorial
The video below demonstrates the process actions described in the steps listed above. There is no audio included with this video. Select the play button to start the video.
View Tutorial via Panopto
View the external link to Using a Payment Worksheet to Apply an Underpayment. This link will open in a new tab/window.
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