Student Tasks

Purpose:  Use this document to reference viewing a student's tasks through the Task tile on the ctcLink Student Homepage.

Audience:  Students; Student Services staff

You must have at least one of these local college managed security roles:

  • ZZ SS Student

You must also set these SACR Security permissions:

If you need assistance with the above security roles or SACR settings, please contact your local college supervisor or IT Admin to request role access

Student Tasks

Navigation:  Student Homepage

  1. Select the Tasks tile.
  2. The To Do List page displays.
  3. Select a Task to view its details.
  4. The Task Details page displays.  Review it.
  5. Select the X to close the page.
  6. Depending on the nature of the Task, the Task Details page does not display.  Instead, an Activity Guide comprised of a series of steps displays.
  7. Select the Task.
The To Do Task is highlighted in red
  1. The Activity Guide page displays.
  2. Complete its steps, selecting the Next icon to move to the next step in the sequence.
  3. Select Exit to return to the To Do List page.
The Next button is highlighted in the top-right corner

Process complete.

Please get in touch with your college if you require immediate assistance with ctcLink. Check out the contact information and highlights for each community and technical college.