9.2 Student Self-Service: Make a Payment

Purpose: Use this document as a reference for making payments to student accounts in ctcLink.

Audience: Students.

Make a Payment

Navigation:  Student Homepage

  1. From the Student Homepage, select the Financial Account tile.
     The image displays the ctcLink Student Homepage in ctcLink.
  1. The Account Balance page displays.
  2. Select the Payments dropdown.
Account Balance page
  1. Select Make a Payment.
Account Balance page
  1. The Specify Payment Amount page displays.
  2. Enter your Payment Amount, then select Next.
Specify Payment Amount page
  1. The Confirm Payment page displays.
  2. Select Continue to Make Payment.
Confirm Payment page
  1. The Billing Information page displays.
  2. Enter required fields:
    1. First Name
    2. Last Name
    3. Address
    4. City
    5. Zip/Postal Code
    6. Email
  3. Select Next.
Billing Information page
  1. The Payment Details page displays.
  2. Select Card Type.
  3. Enter Card Number.
  4. Enter Expiration Date.
  5. Enter CVN.
  6. Select Next.
Payment Details page
  1. The Review Your Order page displays.
  2. Select Finish.
Review Your Order page
  1. The Payment Result page confirms your successful payment or notifies you of an error.
Payment Result page
  1. Process complete.