Student Center: Financial Aid Services

Purpose: Use this document as a reference for using Financial Aid services in the Student Center in ctcLink. Students can view and update Financial Aid information in the Student Center.

Audience: Students

Students can view and update Financial Aid information in the Student Center.

Student Center:  Financial Aid Services

Navigation:  ctcLink Student Homepage > Financial Aid (Tile)

View Financial Aid

  1. The Financial Aid search page displays.
  2. Select the Aid Year to view.
  3. The Financial Aid Award Summary page displays.
  4. Review the information in the Term Award Detail section.

Accept/Decline Awards

  1. Select the Accept/Decline awards button from the summary page or from the main Student Center page.
  2. The Award Package page displays.
  3. Review the information.
  4. If there is pending offers, select the Accept or Decline box for each Award offered.
  5. Loan amounts can be adjusted by selecting the Accept box and adjusting the amount in the Accepted column.
  6. Select Submit to send your information to the Financial Aid Office.
  7. The process to review financial aid services is now complete.

Video Tutorial

The video below demonstrates the process actions described in steps listed above. There is no audio included with this video. Select the play button to start the video.

Video Tutorial via Panopto

View the external link to Student Center - Financial Aid Services. This link will open in a new tab/window.


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